8 Biggest reasons why couples fall out of love

Why do couples fall out of love?

Falling out of love, it happens with the best of us. It has its reasons and usually one of the two partners are to blame. Let’s take a look at some reasons why couples fall out of love.

1. Either one or both the partners appeared to be someone else in the beginning.

When we are in the dating stage of any relationship, the phase where we are exploring each other’s personalities, we often put up certain pretenses to be more likeable, they can range from being completely harmless like pretending to like a certain color to something more serious like hiding a past relationship. When couples are together for a long time, keeping up with these appearances becomes exhausting and who you really are is revealed. The person who you fell in love with seems like a thing of the past, couples are often found complaining that you have changed.

2. Overbearing jealousy.

The notion that there is no true love without jealousy is far from practical, reality alert- jealousy is suffocating. There are many ways to prove your love for your partner and jealousy is definitely not one of them, instead it’s a good way of pushing your partner away by creating issues which never existed initially, trust and appreciation goes a long way.

3. Communication took a back seat.

The partners started denying each other the simple pleasure of each other’s company, stopped spending time with each other, they stopped talking. Communication is extremely important not only to fall in love but also to stay in love, couples fall out of love when they become В strangers to each other. You don’t В know what’s going on in your partner’s life, stop paying attention to each other, don’t know what are their needs, wants etc; you start living separate lives.

4. Stopped making any efforts to keep the passion alive.

Boredom. This is one of the most common reasons why couples lose their connection. When the relationship becomes long term, couples often stop investing in each other and in the relationship. They tend to forget that love takes work, you need to choose your partner every day. Passion and romance need to be kept alive and instead of expecting it to magically always stay there even after the honeymoon phase. If the partners start taking each other for granted , the spark and the desire for each other die, so does the relationship.

5. The relationship started wrong.

If the relationship wasn’t built on solid foundations then it has high chances of falling apart in the long run. For e.g. lust was mistaken for love, or it started off as cheating or an affair. This wasn’t love in its purest form in the first place and the truth had to hit sooner or later. Relationships which start wrong can never withstand the challenges of life and are destined to end.

6. Unresolved conflicts.

Couples who fail to develop healthy habits of conflict resolution develop resentment and negativity towards each other. If one or both the partners are bad at handling disagreements, choose to give the silent treatment, let issues build up, fight dirty rather than fair, hold grudges and become vengeful, then the love they had for each other will become history, replaced by feelings of anger and frustration.

7. Incompatibility.

The closer a couple gets and the more time they spend together, they find out more and more about each other. Their habits, choices, lifestyles, opinions etc. And as you get to know each other in the truest form, you may not be as compatible as you initially thought you were when you were blinded by the initial excitement.

8. Trust is broken.

Lying, cheating and dishonesty. These are the biggest unforgivables of a relationship especially if they keep repeating. The partner who is being lied to will eventually get tired of it and the love will keep diminishing. It is a sure way of making the other person turn against you, a recipe for disaster and a leading cause of break ups.

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