8 Signs A Guy Is Never Going To Stop Loving You

There are a lot of men out there who are unjustly judged by women to be total douchebags. But it’s hard to blame women for that. So many women in the world have fallen victims to the treacherous romantic games that a lot of these immature men play in dating and relationships. Sometimes, when someone gets used and abused way too much in a relationship, it can scar them for life.

And so, it’s totally natural that a woman like you would probably be hesitant to open yourself up to guys in the future. You are probably scared that you’re only going to end up getting hurt or disappointed. But at the end of the day, love is always going to be a risk. It’s a chance that you’re going to have to take.

And you shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking that there aren’t any more good guys out there. There are a lot of great men who are ripe for the picking. You just have to be patient enough to wait for him. And once he’s there, you need to fight like hell to keep him. You’re not just going to win his love without action. You need to be willing to exert the effort in keeping him in your life.

But that all starts with being able to identify when he’s there in the first place. If you notice that a guy is exhibiting a lot of the signs that are listed here, then you can trust that he’s definitely someone who you can build a future relationship with. He’s definitely the kind of guy who would be all-in with a long-term relationship.

1. He commits to both you and your relationship.

He makes an effort to really commit to both you and the relationship. He proves to you that he isn’t interested in keeping his options open anymore. He isn’t playing it safe. He really wants to go all-in with you. He is sure about being with you and he doesn’t want to be entertaining any other possibility anymore.

2. He doesn’t ignore the issues in your relationship.

He never just walks away from fights and arguments. He doesn’t just take the problems that you have in a relationship and sweep them under a rug. He is always going to be willing to face the issues that you have head-on. He knows that this is the only way to really ensure the longevity of your romance.

3. He has great attention to detail.

He just really values even the little things in the relationship. He shows great attention to detail in that he doesn’t disregard the simple aspects of your lives together. He puts just as much importance in the little stuff as he does the big. He knows that there is value in every speck of effort that you put in the relationship.

4. He makes an effort to boost your confidence.

He is always in the business of boosting your self-confidence. He always wants to be making sure that your self-esteem is on point. He really loves you and he sees you as such a valuable person. And that’s why it’s very important to him that you are actually able to see yourself in the same light.

5. He takes on your problems as if they were his own.

He always tries his best to make your life as easy and as comfortable as possible. That’s why he is so willing to take on your problems as if they were his own. He doesn’t hesitate to help you overcome the challenges and problems that you have in life. And when you succeed, it brings him just as much as happiness as it does to you.

6. He makes you laugh.

He always has a way of just making things light and fun between the two of you. He never wants you to feel like he takes life too seriously. He doesn’t want to come off as someone who is too rigid; as a guy who doesn’t know how to have a good time. Ultimately, he still wants to have a lot of fun with you.

7. He always apologizes for his mistakes.

He is humble enough to come to terms with the fact that he isn’t perfect and that he makes a lot of mistakes in life. He always apologizes for those mistakes and he shows genuine remorse as well. He also tries his best to learn from his mistakes so that he never commits them again.

8. He stays patient and understanding with you.

He is always so patient with you whenever you screw up. He never tries to malign you or demean you. He doesn’t try to make you feel bad for your imperfections. He never guilts you for doing something wrong. He stays patient with you and he always tries to understand your situation.

  1. I found that type of man and I know it I wii never let him go and I am and will fight for him and he already ask to marry me

  2. On Target, these points are just exactly how I treat the one Ii am in love with, she is awsome.

  3. what it that’s not enough for her? it’s been 18months science she called it off. I think I was all that you lighted and she said it wasnt me. yes I’m still in and lover her like nothing has changed. but now what?

  4. yes, I believe I found him. he’s is amazing. takes care of me, bought all of my needs including make up and my favorite lotions so when I am there all I need is my clothes. Fixed my shower, cooks and always pays attention to me. He takes caste of all my needs and then some. I never ask for anything he just does. His smile and kisses are enough for comfort. plus he put a promise ring in my finger at 3 months. He promised my tacos for ever and his love. lol. It’s amazing. it’s only been 6 months but seems like forever. I am blessed.

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