8 Signs Someone is Using You in a Relationship

Nobody likes feeling used. When someone you deeply care about, whether romantically or as a friend, always takes without giving back, it hurts the relationship and makes you feel less valuable.

Ever noticed that they ask for many favors but can’t help you when you need it? They always unload their problems on you, expecting your support, but don’t care when you’re struggling. Or it could be that you think you’re in a loving relationship, but they seem more focused on getting laid than spending quality time together to get to know you better.

All these signs show that you’re dealing with a person who’s using you.

1. They don’t care how you feel

In a healthy relationship, caring about each other’s feelings is important. If someone is using you, they might not pay attention to how you’re feeling. They might not ask or show concern when you’re upset or happy. It’s like they’re not interested in your emotions.

2. The conversation is always about them

Good conversations in a relationship involve both people sharing and listening. If someone is using you, they might only talk about themselves. They don’t seem curious about your thoughts or experiences. It’s like they’re not interested in getting to know you better.

3. They have commitment issues

Healthy relationships need commitment from both sides. If someone is using you, they might avoid making plans for the future or discussing where the relationship is going. They might seem unsure or distant when it comes to committing to the relationship.

4. They expect too many favors

In a balanced relationship, favors and help should go both ways. If someone is using you, they might always ask for favors but not offer to do things for you in return. It feels like they’re taking advantage of your kindness.

5. They can’t compromise

Relationships involve compromise and finding middle ground. If someone is using you, they might always want things their way. They don’t seem interested in finding solutions that work for both of you. It’s like they’re not considering your needs.

6. You always have to come to their rescue

Helping each other is normal in a relationship, but if someone is using you, they might rely on you to solve all their problems. It’s as if they only come to you when they need something fixed, and they’re not there for you in the same way.

7. They never say “thank you”

Appreciation and gratitude are important in any relationship. If someone is using you, they might not say thank you when you do things for them. It’s like they expect you to help them without acknowledging your efforts.

8. You only see them when they need something from you

In a genuine relationship, spending time together should be enjoyable for both people. If someone is using you, they might only reach out when they need something – like a favor or support. It feels like they’re not interested in spending time with you just for the sake of being together.

Share Your Thoughts:

Do any of these signs sound familiar? We’d love to hear from you – drop a comment and let’s talk about understanding healthy relationships!

  1. Hi there. Yes that sounds alot like what I’m dealing with. He has said something about spending our lives together, but then when I say something he changes the subject or ignores me. Nevermind the fact I feel like the only times he reallyntalks is to get sex. He has barely spoken to me since I saw him last.

    1. your kidding yourself if you think this relationship has a future.
      You deserve far better than this excuse of a man.
      80% of what you think won’t happen.
      The other 20% won’t happen in the way you thought it would.
      ok it’s almost Christmas and new year.
      Time to make a fresh start in 2025.
      I know you’ve got what it takes.
      however I’m hear for you anytime.
      Your call

  2. Sounds like my husband we met in Australia after 13 years we moved to UK to be close to my family and have our own family a year later he wants to move back to Australia insensitive to the fact I would like to spend time with my family as he doesn’t get on with his and I don’t want to have children the other side of the world from mine he makes excuses like I thought I was your family and thinks people don’t like him
    I am 35 and would like children and my time.is running out
    We have many businesses together that he will claim are all his.

    1. Its very hard to raise children without family help . Dont move if his cant help w the pregnancies or babies . Im telling you from experience ny ex husband moved me away and I felt suicidal taking care of a newborn alone . He was NO help ! Ive left him since but it wasnt easy 🙁

    2. dont have kids with someone with too many narcissistic traits, it will riin your life and your kids lige and it can take 20 years to realize what is going on. listen to your gut feeling, dont get pregnant, anyone else is better or use a donor! There are many who regretted thinking just like you do. set boundaries! study narcissism now! Google dr. ursula Ramani on you tube, all you need to know!

      1. I was branded a narcacist, couldn’t be further from the truth I. kind loyal loving generous my x wife branded me with this name but in truth it was to covet up her issues

  3. Idk it’s so confusing to me .. Yes he does most of those things BUT he does say thank you all the time.. and he does seem appreciateive twords me and also he does what he can for me too like fix my car and repair things on the house he mows my grass big helpful things like that.. he does kind of shy away when we talk about certain commitment subjects about us. idk he is hard to read . almost like he had aunt’s in his pants all the time almost like he can’t relax or idk something is off about it about him and I would love for someone to pick apart my brain about him and maybe someone can open my eyes to things I’m just not seeing or doing. please anyone help 812 973 9090 text me or messenger me n help a sista out

  4. don’t fall in love with them before you ask GOD about them. it’s to costly of a mistake to do this haphazardly. they might look amazing and really tickle your fancy but don’t let your mind go until you pray and experience their ways and patterns.

  5. Hi my ex boyfriend is just like that all he think about is his beer and only wanted me when he needed me he used me all the time I did realise until my family and friends was telling but now I am I a much happier relationship

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