8 Signs That Your Girl Is Only Using You

Are you being used?

You are a man. You shouldn’t let yourself get used and abused by a girl who doesn’t really care about who you are as a person. You need to stand up for yourself, put your foot down, and say that enough is enough. You need to develop the courage to actually demand what you deserve from this girl.

If she isn’t going to be able to give it to you, then you need to be man enough to just walk away and lick your wounds. You shouldn’t have to waste your time being with a girl who doesn’t think twice about you. There are plenty of ladies out there who are more worthy of your love; ladies who would treat you the way that you would want to be treated in a relationship.

Don’t succumb to the belief that emotional abuse can only victimize women in relationships. There are plenty of cases of men who are being constantly abused and manipulated every day, but they are too afraid to just come out and admit it. And a lot of the time, these men don’t even realized that they are just being played by these coldhearted and manipulative women.

These abusive girls are so mean and selfish they always act on their own accord regardless of the effects that their actions can have on other people. Don’t allow yourself to be a mere puppet who can’t see the strings. Make sure that you are able to protect your heart from the harmful abuses of women. You don’t want to end up having your idea of love tarnished and beaten down by one rotten lady.

That is why you need to develop a sense of self-awareness when it comes to relationships. You need to be able to see past your own personal emotions and see things from an objective point of view. Look out for the signs that your girl is merely abusing and using you. When you see that her feelings aren’t so genuine, then it’s time for you to take action.

So make sure that you stay vigilant and keep an eye out for a few of these red flags. Here are a few signs that your woman is indeed only using you in the relationship for reasons other than love.

1. She always asks you to buy her material items and she never returns the favor.

She is more interested in the things that she can get out of the relationship than the things that she can put into the relationship. She’s only using you for all of the luxury items and fancy toys that you can put on her lap. She isn’t really interested in any of the emotional aspects of the relationship. She just likes that you’re a walking ATM.

2. She goes the extra mile just to make sure that you don’t have access to her messages.

She doesn’t want you to know how she truly feels about you and so she’s going to hide all the evidence. Chances are she’s already flirting with other men or she’s telling her closest friends about how pathetic you are.

3. She uses you as a driver.

You should just probably apply for a job at Uber at this rate and you can make some money out of it. She doesn’t really like hanging out with you much, but she’s going to want you to driver her around for parties and errands.

4. She talks about other men to you.

She always brings up the topic of other boys like her exes, friends, or workmates. The weird thing is that she shouldn’t be bringing up other men during your conversations so often if she were truly devoted to you in a genuine manner.

5. She rarely ever makes herself available to you unless she needs something.

She always has an excuse whenever you want to ask her out on a date. But whenever she’s the one who needs something from you, she always expects you to come running at full speed; ready to cater to her from head to foot.

6. She never initiates the conversation.

You always have to be the one who makes the effort to establish a connection between the two of you. She never texts first. She rarely ever answers your phone calls. She really isn’t interested in talking to you.

7. Your relationship is more physical than it is emotional.

You do a lot more hook ups than you do dates. Remember that she doesn’t always have to be using you for your time or money. She could also be using you for just your body, and that’s just as bad. She’s treating you like some sort of sexual object for pleasure.

8. She doesn’t even introduce you to her friends or family.

The real way to know that her feelings for you aren’t genuine is when she chooses to hide you from the intimate parts of her life. If she were truly invested in you, she wouldn’t want to be isolating you from her world.

Talk to me

Have you been in this position? Let me know in the comments below!

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