Have you dated a narcissist?
Narcissism is amental disorder and it shouldn’t be ignored. Yes, it may be a mild oddity, butif left unchecked, it has the potential to wreak havoc in a relationship.Narcissistic people are individuals who have overblown and exaggeratedimpressions of their own value and self-worth. They are people who assume thattheir life importance is significantly much higher than those of others.Narcissists are also known to be incredibly needy. They are insecure about whothey are as people and they are in constant search of validation from others.They constantly require attention and they love to hog the spotlight.
Other words usedto describe narcissists include conceited, selfish, unstable, and downrightobnoxious. It can be stressful being in a relationship with a narcissist.Typically, people in relationships need to suppress their egos in an effort toaccommodate another person into their lives. However, this can prove to be adifficult tasks for narcissists to undertake. It would be difficult for anyone tofind a narcissist who would willingly deflate their own egos for the sake ofanother person. This is where the clash in relationships stems from. That’s whyyou should be very wary of getting into relationships with a narcissist.
If you are thetype of person who just assumes the best of people, then good for you. Yougenuinely believe in the good of humanity. However, this belief system can alsoblind you from bad characters. This is where you have to be careful. If youwant to avoid dating narcissists, but don’t know how to spot one out from acrowd, then read through this list. Here are a few signs that a guy is realnarcissist.
1. His favorite topic during conversations is himself.
He just can’tstop yapping about himself. He always likes to lift his own bench in thepresence of others. During conversations, he will always find a way to bringthe discussion back to something that relates to him. He also isn’t a greatlistener. He isn’t interested in whatever it is other people have to say unlessit’s about him.
2. He is nice and charming but only if he knows he can getsomething out of it.
He always has ahidden agenda. He always has an ulterior motive. He can’t be acting nice justfor the sake of being nice. He only acts in ways that can benefit him. He wouldnever be genuinely nice because it’s his inherent nature to be. He always hasto be able to get something out of it in return. He isn’t the type of personwho gives without expectations.
3. He talks the talk but he rarely walks the walk.
Narcissists talka big game. They are always going on and on about how great they are and howthey have superior personality and character traits. However, when it comes toactually delivering on what they’re saying, they rarely ever pull through.They’re better talkers than they are doers.
4. He is impatient and stubborn.
He doesn’t like to be kept waiting. Well, in fairness, no one ever likes to be kept waiting.But a lot of people understand that patience is always necessary in life.However, a narcissist is the type of person who believes that his time is always more important than others. He thinks that other people have to adjust to cater to him.
5. He doesn’t respect rules or boundaries in the relationship.
He isn’t thekind of guy who would care about how his actions would make you feel. He alwaysacts on his own accord. He doesn’t give a damn about your feelings or youropinions on various matters. Even if you have your limits or your boundaries,he would willingly step over them if he pleased.
6. He has a false sense of entitlement.
He has givenhimself a false sense of entitlement. He thinks that he is entitled toeverything that he wants. He believes that he deserves all of the good thingsin life. He doesn’t feel like he has to work as hard as other people to get thethings that he wants.
7. He manipulates you.
He’s a user. Heis always using other people to satisfy his personal desires. He doesn’t reallysee people as human beings. He sees other people as tools he can use to furtherhis own personal agenda. That’s why dating a narcissist would be absolute hell.He would be manipulating you into doing things that you’re not comfortabledoing just so he can be happy.
8. It’s not enough for him that he succeeds, he wants to seeothers fail.
He always wants to be able to set himself apart. That’s why it’s not enough for him that he finds success. He also wants other people to fail in the process. He doesn’t want to be seen on equal footing with anyone else because he thinks he should be in a category on his own.
Talk to me
Have you dated a narcissist? Tell me about it in the comments below!
I would like to see if my husband is were having a very difficult relationship
My partner has been all 8 things I don’t know how to get rid of him. He think everything is ok with us but it isn’t. I told him that it looks like we are just close friends. I known since high school. But been seeing him for almost 9 years.
Take it from me… all 8 signs are so true! Get out when you can and fast!!
i was married to one and had a baby with another both of them were aries both of them where addicts hispanic lol (my picker is broken) ive had hands around my neck while i layed in beed been chased with knives and had baseball bats swung at me that doesnt even touch the mental part of stuff or the surface with the phsycial
I was in a horrible almost 15 year relationship with a narassit and he was all 8 horrible man sorry he was in no way a man coward liar con man used anyone even his own mother he finally left to chase his mommy to another province since she had money he used everyone and anyone good and playing the poor victim he would screw anyone over to make sure he wasn’t caught he had a horrible gambling addiction beat physically of course behind closed doors emotionally the mental abuse was far worse he finally omg finally left me for his rich mommy 9 years ago I heard she passed early January so I’m.scared he will come back to my province and again look for me after he collects his inheritance, but now I am so happy I found my true love of my life most funniest loving caring giving man everyone loves my husband he wanted to give me the wedding of my dreams since I never had one he even asked me if he could walk my at that time 79 year Mother we were married on Sept 30th 2023 I just turned 54 in January and March 4th my husband turned 55 its both our second marriages my first one I was 3 or 4 months pregnant just a justice of the peace no one I knew was there we were out west so that’s y I never has a real wedding till my husband please b careful
Of these narcissists they r so dangerous everything about them will ruin your life or try to read the signs I wished back when I met him I has this its helped a lot to see the warning signs I always as it said try to see the good in everyone its good to try to see humanity, but it’s true a lot of evil out there and they prey on your vulnerability so be careful
He lies when the truth would do better. He is all 8 things at home to me but never to the general public, he has to empress them.
I’ve been married to a narcissist for five very long years.He has made me feel worthless he has manipulated me and gaslights me . He’s gone ghost on me .I’m now filing for divorce for the third time.This time I’m going through with it.Its painful to be in a relationship with a narcissist.
This was my ex. He wasn’t all 8, not all the time. He’s what I now call a narcissistic psychopath. These types are harder to spot at first. They are very controlling, destructive, angry, jealous, possessive, insecure, and down right rude and nasty – even in public.
When he’d get mad at a cashier, I’d stay in back of the store. When he told me it was time to go, I’d come running out the front of the store.
Psychopaths put a whole different spin on the narcissistic behaviors. They’re intelligent, witty, charming, funny, manipulative and a very dangerous man.
I left him in 2006. I had to turn into someone I didn’t like just so I could get rid of him. It worked. But I hated myself for having to do it like that. I looked like this crazy horrible bish. When in reality, it’s a defense mechanism to the abuse and all the lies.
It’s a reaction to his psychological abuse, lies, manipulation, destructive behavior, and all the disrespect in that marriage. Some of us reach our limits.
Others keep going back. I was done in 2006. I never wanted him back. Still don’t. Now he’s remarried to a girl 30yrs younger and her mother hates him. Go figure.
Wow, ok where to start? I guess the question that comes to mind first is: Are females not narcissistic as well? In the above article not once was it ever referenced to a female being a narcissist, in fact it was very specific on mentioning on how it was only ‘He’ who did this thing, or acts that way. It really made me feel that the piece was written under extreme bias viewpoint. Which is somewhat disheartening because regardless of the truths that were written, the biasms overpower and it’s hard to put keep faith in any validity or accurate facts presented in the passage as “warning signs”. Truthfully, it saddens me some. It saddens me that one could see and read and benefit from what was written above but the other powering notion that this was singularly written in a stationary viewpoint which left little to no room for any other thoughts on the subject other than one’s own. Lord knows you can’t take anything at face value and personally, no offense, to me this article sounded nothing more than a semi-intellectual female who was scorned by a man she had been with him this is a sort of reprieve. I agree with most of what everything was said above but still.. it’s hard to feel the validity within the article when it’s overpoweringly one-sided. Other than that I really enjoyed it