8 Signs You Are His Second Choice (Instead Of His First Priority)

In matters of the heart, being a priority is essential. If your partner doesn’t value you as your first priority, then he is definitely not the one because when someone truly loves you, and you are important to them, they want to see you happy and satisfied in a relationship.

Discovering that you might be someone’s backup plan can be tough and emotionally draining. This can leave you feeling unimportant and unsure about where you stand in their life. You deserve to be a priority, not someone’s second option.

Let’s look at the signs that you might be his second choice, so you can recognize the warning signals and make decisions that prioritize your happiness and well-being.

He Takes Forever to Text Back

If he consistently takes a long time to respond to your messages, it may indicate that you are not his top priority. A person who values you would make an effort to be attentive and respond promptly.

He Makes Plans with You at the Last Second

If he frequently makes plans with you at the last moment, it suggests that he may not be prioritizing you in his life. Someone who genuinely values your time would plan ahead and show consideration for your schedule.

He Doesn’t Go Out of His Way to See You

If he rarely goes out of his way to spend time with you or make special efforts to be together, it may imply that you are not his first priority. A person who truly cares about you would make the extra effort to nurture the relationship.

He Shows Up Late

Consistently arriving late for your dates or meetings can be hurtful, as it may suggest that you are not his top priority. Punctuality reflects respect and consideration for the other person’s time, which is essential in any relationship. If he doesn’t value your time enough to be on time, it might be a red flag that you are not his first choice.

He Owns Dating Apps

Having dating apps on his phone while being in a relationship can be a clear sign that he’s still keeping his options open. It may indicate that he is not fully committed to you and considers you a second choice.

He Forgets Important Things

If he frequently forgets important dates or events in your life, it may indicate that you are not at the top of his mind. Remembering important details and being attentive are signs of genuine interest and priority.

He Doesn’t Consult You Before Making Important Decisions

If he consistently makes significant life choices without consulting you, seeking your input, or considering your feelings, then it’s a major red flag and a clear sign that he doesn’t see you as an equal partner. In a healthy relationship, both partners should value each other’s opinions and include one another in crucial decisions.

You’re the Only One Putting in Effort

If you find yourself consistently putting in all the effort to nurture the relationship, it could indicate that he is not fully committed. A healthy relationship thrives on mutual effort and dedication from both partners, as it takes two to build a strong and lasting bond. When one person carries the entire burden of maintaining the relationship, it can lead to imbalance and dissatisfaction in the long run.

  1. Yes. That is correct and when you are together he always watching on her phone it’s like you are not around. When you talk to him he is not paying attention.

  2. Yeah ,well I thought I was the only one ,buy there were so many signs ,plus people telling me what they seen ,and heard …so I left him alone ..he can have itb,,I’m not going to be NOBODYS SECOND CHOICE

  3. !Thank you for opening up my eyes …I was so stupid to admit even I saw all the signs,red flags. But when I read this I got a courage to let go.
    I just wasted those years admitting suffering for emotional abuse,which in the long run some guys are running to get me.Its really sickening to realize And I didn’t deserve to be treated like this.

  4. I’ve been with a man for a year now I no he’s a single dad with 3 kids but they go to their moms for visits be4 he was great taking me out diner soccer games out all around cars shows but when he has his kids I don’t get texts or talk on the phone at all until they are gone this is a year later I told him I’d like to get to no the kids better so he took us camping for 5 days it was great I’ve never been camping b4 and I went then after he told me to take it slow on getting to know his kids ,I didn’t say anything they kinda no me already , then out of no were I get hip surgery and he promised to be around more and he told me to do he would be there that was on Dec 17th he never came to the hospital he had no kids this week I was there for 3 days and since then I’ve seen him 2 times that’s it not even at xmas or xmas eve I was home alone no food and he went to his sisters didn’t tell me or invite me at all and he has no kids either or new years he could of invited Me to, his beastie house but he didn’t. it ended up being her her knew boyfriend of 5 months her child and my man and his 2 kids but no me I took it like he didn’t want me there but this not with the kids shit pissed Me off cuz the is inactive her son with her new bf of 5 month every weekend so I was mad after that then he asked if I wanted to go roller skating with him and his kids I said no I just had hip replacement surgery can’t walk like that so they went and they have been at their moms now for 6 days and I still havnt seen him at all .He knows I can’t go nowhere and u would think after telling me he’d be there every step and hasn’t even token one passes me off .So as it stands he gets his kids bk tomorrow and all these 6 days no him .so I still talk to him well text but I’m done with this shit now it makes me feel like shit snd like I was lied to the whole year .I don’t get how someone can say they love u so much then do this shit .
    tell me what u think this is crazy I want to walk away now

  5. ps he goes to work everyday and drives by my house everyday and after work to so tell me y he don’t say oh I’m driving thou her place ill go see she’s ok . but no all week no him I’m not saying anything anymore just to see if he would think abt me and no me wow I thought he was different then other guys and I believed his shit I feel so dumb now

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