8 Signs Your Man Is About To Pop The Question

He’s about to do it!

You and your partner have been together for a significant amount of time already. And naturally, since you want your relationship to be built for the long-term, you start to really think about what’s in store for the both of you in the future. And chances are, if you have a healthy relationship and you’ve really been together for a long time, you’ve probably touched on the idea of marriage at some point. Now, you feel like your relationship is ripe and ready to take things to the next level. But sadly, the ball isn’t in your court. You’re just waiting for your man to actually pop the question. And sometimes, the wait can be excruciating.

To start things off, you have to stop thinking that you have to be passive especially when you really want to take action already. Just because you’re the woman doesn’t mean that you can’t take matters into your own hands. There’s nothing wrong with you actually standing up and going after what you want in a relationship. You shouldn’t be ashamed of initiating the engagement if you really want to. But if you’re really one who likes to stick to tradition, that should be your own prerogative as well.

Studies have shown that most of the time, proposals tend to happen on significant dates such as anniversaries, birthdays, or holidays. And since it’s the holiday season, there’s a big chance that the holiday spirit might be firing up your man’s passions to the point where he actually might propose to you sometime soon. But if you really want to get a better read of the situation, then you have to be on the look out for the signals. Here are some signs that you man is about to pop the question:

1. He starts to take the romance in a relationship to a whole other level.

He is already trying to condition your mind to romantic gestures that will ultimately culminate in a proposal. It’s normal for couples to always be maintaining romance in a relationship. But there’s definitely something fishy going on when the romantic levels are taken up a notch.

2. He begins to spend more and more time with your friends and family.

He wants to start propagating an atmosphere of familial closeness already. Your families are going to end up merging with marriage and he wants to make that transition as smooth as possible. He wants your family to really get used to the idea of having him around more often on a permanent basis.

3. He becomes more frugal and more financially conservative than usual.

Weddings and engagement cost a lot of money. The engagement ring alone is going to set him back on his finances significantly. That’s why if you start to notice that he’s taking a more conservative approach to his spending, it’s probably because he’s saving up for something.

4. He develops a deeper interest in your choice of jewelry.

Typically speaking, boys couldn’t really care less about the nuances of jewelry. But they will really start to take a more profound interest in jewelry when they have to start scouting for engagement rings for their women. It’s always a good sign when he starts asking you about the kind of jewelry you like.

5. He randomly brings up your most intimate memories together.

He really wants to remind you of the roots of your relationship. He wants you to go back to the early days of your romance where your passion was fresh. He wants you to think about why you got with him in the first place before he takes things to a new level.

6. He takes on a more secretive and shady kind of behavior.

Shady and secretive behavior can be such a struggle to bear. For one, you get nervous and anxious thinking about what it is your partner could be hiding from you. But you don’t always have to fret. Just because they’re secretive doesn’t mean they’re cheating on you. It could also mean that they are planning to take your relationship to the next level and they want to catch you by surprise in the process.

7. He talks about your friends and family who are also getting married.

He will not want the idea of marriage to completely sneak up on you and so he will start dropping some talks about how your friends and family around you are getting married as well. He doesn’t want you to think that the idea of the two of you getting married is completely unfathomable.

8. He brings up the idea of having kids and future living arrangements.

You have both touched on talks about the future before, but you know that it’s just really different this time. You’re no longer just talking about parties you have to attend as a couple. You’re no longer just planning for random trips or vacations. You really start to talk about the idea of starting a family. You start talking about future living arrangements. These are serious discussions that only the most advanced relationships are willing to have.

Talk to me

Ladies, are you in the same boat? Share your experiences in the comments below!

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