8 Things You Do That Mean You’re Ready To Get Married

You’re ready.

If you’re a woman in a relationship with a man, chances are that the idea of you and your boyfriend eventually tying the knot and getting married to one another has already crossed your mind. Don’t worry. No one blames you for it. A lot of women will be forward-thinking with their relationships. They will tend to be looking at the men that they date and the relationships that they’re in based on how likely it is that a marriage is eventually going to work out in the long run.

And it’s not just really about gauging whether your partner is hubby-material. It’s also about measuring whether you are up for the task as well. You have to wonder if you’re actually ready for marriage so that if the time comes that your man decides to propose to you, you won’t have to think about it any longer. You would never want to rush into a marriage without thinking about it first. You would never want to dive into anything that you aren’t sure you aren’t ready for. Marriages fail and crumble every single day. And these marriages usually end because of recklessness on the parts of those going into it. They get married without first trying to figure out if they have what it takes to actually sustain a marriage.

A marriage is not a walk in the park. It’s going to take a lot of work, dedication, love, and commitment between two people. But how do you know for sure if you have what it takes to hold up your end of the bargain? How do you know if you’re the type of girl who is actually wife-ready? Well, there are a few signs that you could be on the lookout for. If a lot of the things that are listed on here apply to how you are in your relationships, then chances are that you are already ready for marriage.

1. You willingly do nice things for your man even when you’re not asked to.

You know that your job is to make your partner’s life as easy as possible. You would willingly do things for your partner because you know that it would make them happy and when given the opportunity, they wouldn’t hesitate to do nice things for you either. You know that a lot of what makes up a healthy loving relationship are simple acts of kindness.

2. You don’t pressure your man into doing anything he isn’t comfortable with doing.

You always make sure to make you man feel like you accept him for who he is and what he does. You never pressure him into doing anything in the relationship he might not be comfortable with. You never try to change him or force him into being a person that he’s just not comfortable with being. You always make him feel loved and appreciated for who he is.

3. You take the initiative in planning trips, dates, and activities for the both of you to do.

You don’t rely on your man to keep the fire burning in your relationship. You understand that you also have to do your part in trying to keep things fresh and interesting in your romance. And sometimes, that includes planning dates, spontaneous trips, or random surprises for your man.

4. You understand the importance of establishing your roles and responsibilities in the relationship.

You know that underneath the exterior of your romantic relationship is an emotional partnership. You are choosing to take the world on together. You have your share of roles and responsibilities with one another and you never fail to hold up your end of the bargain. You know that you have to treat your relationship like a well-oiled machine if you want things to work.

5. You don’t hold back with your compliments and words of comfort.

You are never withholding when it comes to your love and affection. You don’t let your pride get in the way of your love. You don’t play games with your man and you never hesitate to express your feelings of endearment and attachment to one another.

6. You support your partner’s pursuit of his biggest dreams and goals.

You never want to serve as a roadblock between your man and his dreams. Instead, you always try your best to propel him to success. You always make it a point to make him feel like he is loved and supported through his difficult trials.

7. You make your partner feel like he could always rely on you no matter what.

You always manage to give him someone to rely on. You always make sure that he knows that you have his back. You let him know that you can help pick him up whenever he stumbles. You tell him that you can pick up the slack if he feels weak.

8. You still live your own individual life outside of the relationship.

And lastly, you’re ready for marriage when you understand that it’s okay to have an individual life outside of the relationship. You don’t make the relationship your entire world you just make it an important part of it.

Talk to me

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