8 Warning Signs Someone Has Dementia

Dementia refers to a wide range of brain diseases that impair memory and cognition. According to the World Health Organization, more than 50 million people have dementia, and the number is likely to triple over the next four decades.

When you are concerned that a loved one may have dementia, The Well for Health in Davidson, North Carolina, offers comprehensive diagnostics and compassionate treatment. You can use these eight telltale signs to determine whether your parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or other family member has dementia. 

Lack of ability to perform routine activities

It is essential to see your loved one if they have difficulty remembering directions when taking a familiar route. They return from the grocery store without the items they went to get or cannot set the table or play a game they love. They could be developing early-stage dementia.

Insufficiency of memory

Memory loss is one of the main symptoms of dementia. Examples of this information include appointment times, phone numbers, the date, the season, or the name of a close family member.

Communication difficulties

A person with dementia may find it difficult to follow and participate in a conversation. They may repeat themselves repeatedly or inquire about a topic you just discussed as if they were ignorant of what you just said. Furthermore, you may also notice they have difficulty finding words when they are mid-sentence and cannot complete their sentences.

Lack of interest

Dementia manifests itself in the loss of interest in activities and hobbies that formerly enjoyed. A recent study indicates that up to 70% of apathetic people toward learning new things or meeting new people have dementia. 

Feelings of anxiety

Dementia patients seem to focus on problems or potential problems and fret about things that may seem unimportant to others. As dementia advances, anxiety appears to increase. To ease your loved one’s minds, we recommend talking to them about their fears and worries. Those with severe anxiety may benefit from anti-anxiety medication.

Wandering through

Approximately 60% of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease wander without a clear idea of where or why they are going in a particular direction. In addition, they may be unable to locate familiar places such as the bathroom or their bedroom. Your loved one may wander away from home, putting themselves in a dangerous situation.


Suppose your loved one struggles to remember something or has to deal with an unexpected interruption in their routine. In that case, dementia patients might experience agitation, anger, and other changes in their mood. Symptoms of irritation include verbal outbursts, pacing, crying, and physical aggression.

Frequently misplacing items

Most of us lose our keys from time to time, but people with dementia tend to keep important documents or items needed for daily life in strange or unlikely places. If they cannot locate them, they may accuse someone of taking their valuables.



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