9 Signs He Loves You And It Isn’t Just Lust

You might be struggling to tell the difference between lust and love. And it’s okay if you’re going through that kind of struggle. You always want to make sure that you’re keeping yourself protected as much as possible. You always want to make sure that you’re not becoming invested in someone who is only going to use you for your body and physical pleasures.

You don’t want that because you know that that isn’t what love is about. You know that love is always going to be about more than just how you look and what kind of sex you’re having with a person. IT should cut so much deeper than that. There should always be a real emotional bond and connection between the two of you.

But the thing about men these days is that they’re so good at masking their evil and malicious intentions with sweet flowery words and romantic gestures. So many women are victimized every single day by men who prey on their gullibility and openness. Yes, when it comes to love, you always want to make sure that you open yourself up and take risks. But that doesn’t mean that you should be reckless as you’re falling for someone. You still want to make sure that you’re covering your liabilities.

If you want to know how to tell whether someone is after you for love or lust, then this article is definitely for you. If you notice that a lot of the things that are listed here apply to your man, then that means that you’re lucky. He’s really in it for the love. He’s really genuine about wanting to be with you.

1. He replies to your messages rather promptly.

He doesn’t wait around to send you a reply whenever you text him. He doesn’t play any games with you because he is serious about wanting to be with you. He wants something mature and real with you and that’s why he doesn’t deliberately keep you waiting.

2. He opens himself up to you about the intimate aspects of his life.

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He doesn’t shut you out at all. He doesn’t maintain a kind of emotional distance with you. He doesn’t make you feel like you’re merely a spectator in his life. He allows you to have a major stake in his life. He wants you to feel like you have real value to him,

3. He spends as much time with you as he can.

They say that we only ever really spend time with the people who matter the most to us. And that’s why you should really consider it a big deal to have someone who spends a lot of time with you. It means that he genuinely considers you to be an important aspect of his life.

4. He doesn’t walk away from fights and arguments with you.

He never walks away from a fight with you. He stays and he argues with you because he understands that this is what it takes to keep your relationship going. He knows that you’re going to have to have a few arguments here and there to solve the issues in your relationship.

5. He listens to you whenever you talk.

He always pays attention to you whenever you want to talk. If there’s something that you want to get off your chest, he’s always there to listen to you. He never makes you feel like you have to hide what you’re truly feeling or thinking.

6. He supports you as you go after your goals and dreams.

He always makes you feel like you are free to pursue your dreams. He never makes you feel like you have to choose between the relationships and the goals that you have for yourself. He constantly encourages you to work hard for the things that you want.

7. He trusts you to make your own decisions.

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He definitely trusts you to make your own decisions. He always believes in your capacity to think for yourself and be your own human being. He never acts controlling of you and the way that you conduct yourself.

8. He doesn’t withhold his love and affection for you.

He never withholds his love and affection for you. He is very much secure about making sure that you feel the love and adoration that he has for you. He always tries his best to never make you doubt the love that he has in his heart.

9. He talks about your shared future together.

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If you have a guy who is really talking to you about the future of your relationship, then it shows that he’s obviously invested in you. It means that he isn’t interested in having a casual fling or a short-term hookup with you. He really wants something a lot more serious with you.

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