9 Signs She Is The One You Should Marry

Marry her in a heartbeat!

Stop with all the hesitations. Just go ahead and dive right in. She’s the one and you know it. She’s the person with whom you can actually build a future around. She’s the girl that you can spend the rest of your life with. She’s going to be your new family. She is going to be your entire world. How can you be sure? Well, no one is ever sure. But there are some really good signs telling you that this is the path for you and you shouldn’t let it slip. Marriage is always going to be a risk, but in this case, this is a risk that you should be willing to take. She is a great girl who exhibits lots of positive qualities.

You know that he has a genuine heart and a pure soul and she would take care of you until the end of time. Yes, it would be understandable for you to be hesitant. Marriage is a big deal that a person really has to think about. But at this point, you shouldn’t be so worried anymore. The signs are there. Don’t know what the signs look like? Well, then this list is for you. Read on through until the end of this article to help appease your worries.

1. She doesn’t let emotions get the best of her.

She always keeps a cool and level head. She is never irrational about her actions. She is careful with her words and she always maintains a healthy dose of grace and class. She isn’t tactless and she would never do anything to embarrass herself. She doesn’t show any signs of mental instability and she’s a great person to just be around overall because of the stress-free environment she generates.

2. She is very empathetic.

She has a natural empathy that is rare to find in this modern age. She has this uncanny ability to connect with people very intimately. She always knows the right thing to say even during the most emotionally compromising situations. She is very attuned to her emotions and that’s why she is also very skilled at reading others as well.

3. She is a very intelligent person.

Intelligence in a woman shouldn’t intimidate you. In fact, it’s something that you should be looking for in any relationship that you choose to get into. Marrying an intelligent girl means that you will always be challenged in a mental capacity. She will always manage to stimulate your intellect in ways that not many people can.

4. She never stops trying to become a better person.

If she is constantly trying to improve yourself, then you shouldn’t let her go. It shows that she is humble and that she acknowledges her flaws and imperfections. It shows that she has the work ethic that is required to actually make herself a better person. It also shows that she has the patience and understanding that is required to be more tolerant of people with flaws. 

5. She is goal-oriented and hardworking.

She has her dreams for the future and she isn’t backing down from them. She knows that all great things require lots of hard work and she’s always willing to put in the work. She’s going to chase after her dreams relentlessly because that’s the kind of person she is. She never settles for just mediocrity because she is always striving for greatness.

6. She doesn’t have outrageous fits of jealousy.

You won’t have to worry about being with a psycho wife. She won’t be the kind of wife who wouldn’t allow you to spend time with your boys because she’s afraid that you wouldn’t be able to control yourself. She is the kind of girl who would understand if you need to devote more time to your work and career every once in a while. She understands that you have your own life and she wouldn’t compel you to make it all about her.

7. She always practices full honesty.

She thinks that you are always deserving of the truth. She never wants to be put in a position wherein she has to lie to you. She always wants to be open with you about anything. She always wants to keep you in the loop because she knows that that’s what it takes for you to really trust and respect her. She would never want to betray your trust.

8. She is willing to put just as much work in the relationship as you are.

She is mature enough to acknowledge that relationships aren’t going to be easy. She knows that it’s not always going to be a smooth ride with you. But she is also the kind of girl who is going to put in the work. She will never stop trying to maintain the balance and harmony in your relationship. She doesn’t just give up whenever times get hard.

9. She pushes you to become a better person overall.

She really inspires you to become the best possible version of yourself. She makes you a better person overall. You are a greater man because of her and you shouldn’t take that for granted. 


  1. As a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, I can say this is a great article! The only problem I see is that most people aren’t thinking very clearly when “in love!” They can’t see the “Warning Signs!”
    The other problem I see is that the guy also needs to possess the same or similar qualities because we are often attracted to people who have the same or complimentary negative personality problems! Unfortunately, when we are unaware of our own “Shadow,” we are even more attracted to the person possessing our own undesirable qualities.
    I love the book, “Keeping the Love You Find” that talks about all this!

  2. This was very well said! I feel like this describes me to a T so I’m hoping the man that I’ve been trying to see wilk eventually feel the same way about me one day!!

  3. This is a great and accurate article. I have been married to my wife for 57 years and she possesses all the excellent qualities you mention, maybe not achieving 100% in all of them but 95% at worst, PLUS a great sense of humour along with being an excellent cook and that latter is a most important point!

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