9 Stupid Relationship Games You Shouldn’t Be Putting Up With

Relationships are always designed to make you feel fulfilled and satisfied. They are supposed to be able to add a lot of meaning, excitement, and value to your life. Whenever you get into a relationship with someone you deeply care about, then you would want to make yourself vulnerable towards that person. You would never want to keep them in the dark with regards to how you feel.

You always want to make sure that your partner knows just how much you love them and how committed you are to making things work in your relationship. You would never want your partner to feel insecure or unsafe in the love that you share. You would want to get rid of any doubts that might be clouding their minds.

If you are genuinely in love with someone, then you don’t want to take that person for granted in any capacity. You always want to make sure that they are going to feel happy, fulfilled, and loved. You always want to be treating each other with kindness and generosity. You want to practice empathy and sensitivity. You want to respect one another and you always want to show compassion for each other.

You would want to devote every single ounce of energy that you have to preserve your relationship. You would always want to do your best when it comes to keeping your significant other in your life. When you are truly in love with someone, you would always want to keep things open and honest with each other. You don’t play little childish games to mask your true feelings.

However, not a lot of people understand that these are necessities when it comes to true love. In fact, plenty of people think that they need to play these games if they want to “win” at dating. But that’s just the thing. Dating shouldn’t be a game because love isn’t a game. Love is never something that you would just want to be playing around with. Love isn’t something that you shouldn’t be approaching casually.

People play a lot of dumb relationship games all the time these days. You might think that you have to hide your truest intentions with the people you like because you assume that that would give you a sense of control over the situation. You say that you want to commit to someone, but you are afraid of completely making yourself vulnerable to someone. It’s just complete contradiction and it’s all wrong.

But let’s say that you’re not someone who plays these games and you’re just someone who is victimized by all of these players all the time. You should be aware of the moves that certain people are going to be putting on you so that you are keeping yourself guarded.

If you notice that the person you are dating is guilty of employing these kinds of moves, then they aren’t really serious about committing with you for real.

1. They keep your relationship a secret.

They really go out of their way to keep your relationship a secret. They don’t like taking you out to dinner because they don’t want other people to see that you’re together.

2. They fake their disinterest in you.

Even though they’re really interested in you, they act as if they’re not. They don’t want to be revealing how they truly feel about you because they don’t want to seem overeager.

3. They act hot and cold with you on commitment.

They don’t really show you any kind of consistency with the commitment that they give you in the relationship.

4. They pretend to like the same things that you do.

They act as if they’re interested in all of the same things that you’re interested in even when it clearly isn’t the case. They’re being fake and ingenuine to you.

5. They purposely try to make you feel jealous.

They really go out of their way to make you feel jealous because it makes them feel good whenever you do.

6. They make you wait for their text replies.

They make you really wait for their text replies. They don’t want you to feel like they are too overeager to reply to your messages.

7. They deliberately don’t text you first.

They always want you to take the initiative in the relationship and that’s wrong. Both participants should always be willing to take initiative for the relationship.

8. They still keep dating apps on their phones.

Consider it to be a real red flag when the person you’re dating still has some dating apps on their phones. It shows that they’re still trying to play the field.

9. They refuse to define the relationship.

They don’t really have that discussion with you about where you both stand in your relationship. They don’t really talk to you about the nature of the relationship that you have.

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