9 Things You Should Be Comfortable With Doing In A Relationship

Being comfortable is the foundation of a relationship.

When you are in the initial early stages of a relationship, everything just feels so fresh and natural. There are so many things about the relationship that still excite and thrill you; the things that give you a special feeling inside. It’s usually filled with so many grand gestures and significant milestones. But once all of the fanfare of a new relationship settles down, you will find that the raw nature of relationships aren’t always going to be so glamorous. But that doesn’t mean that your relationship is any less special than it actually is. Here are 9 not-so-glamorous things that you should be comfortable with doing in a strong and loving relationship.

1. Be barefaced around your boyfriend.

You don’t always have to feel the pressure to be painting your face around your man. A lot of girls will place unnecessary pressure on themselves to always be putting on an obscene amount of makeup just because they think that it’s what their men would want for them to do. If you want to put on makeup for yourself, then go ahead and do it. But you don’t have to feel pressured to put it on just because you think it’s what your man would want. In a loving relationship, he would love you regardless of whether you where makeup or not

2. Have an entire pizza delivered for dinner and eat it all in a single sitting.

Your real eating habits will really start to reveal themselves the deeper you get into a comfortable relationship. Of course, at first, you won’t want your partner to think that you’re a complete slob when it comes to food and so you will merely order salads and healthy dishes. But once you know that the judgment will be gone, then you really start to show your true colors.

3. Tell your boyfriend that you’re not interested in something he is passionate about.

You don’t absolutely have to be crazy about everything that your partner is crazy about. In the past, you probably would have faked an interest in his comic books or his sports teams. But you no longer feel that pressure anymore.

4. Wear ugly underwear around your partner.

For one, it’s a whole different level of comfort whenever you’re walking around the house with your partner in just your underwear. But still, when it’s early, you always want to make sure that you’re wearing really high quality underwear. But over time, the pressure to keep on wearing sexy and luxurious underwear just fades completely. Your partner has a way of making you feel sexy regardless.

5. Talk about the future of your relationship together.

In the early stages of a relationship, couples will tend to avoid talking about the future. This is because they don’t want to come off as too forward or aggressive. They don’t want to be thinking too far ahead because they are too caught up in focusing on the present. But now, everything is just so comfortable for you that you don’t have a problem with actually being forward-thinking when it comes to your relationship. You have no plans of treating this as some sort of short-term affair anyway.

6. Have real arguments with one another.

Fights are normal in any healthy relationship. And when you and your partner start becoming comfortable with having healthy arguments with one another every once in a while, then you know that you are both confident in the stability and strength of your love to bring you back together.

7. Give each other the silent treatment.

You can go through hours and sometimes even days without talking to one another because you’re too upset about something. And even though this might be a cause for concern for early couples, you don’t worry about it too much. You know that this is just a temporary lull in your romance and you just need to get your gears straight. You think it’s better to say nothing than say something you will end up regretting.

8. Give yourselves a chance to just have your bad days.

Not all days are good ones. You are both going to have your days where you feel like you’re just really vulnerable and irritable. But it’s okay because you know that your partner would understand whenever you’re just feeling a little moody. They wouldn’t take any issue with it at all and they just let you be.

9. Reach out to your partner’s family.

One way that you would really know that your relationship is in a really comfortable state is when you really start to feel a substantial closeness with your partner’s family. When you start to really establish a rapport with your partner’s family, then you know that your relationship has transcended that initial phase of awkwardness and shallowness. You are swimming in deep and it feels most natural to you.

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