9 Ways To Tell If He Has Good Intentions, Or He’s Just Dragging You Along

Here are a few signs that a man’s intentions for your relationship are as pure and genuine as can be.

Sometimes, boys can be difficult to read. It can be such a struggle to trust men these days. You never know when they want you for you; or if they just want you to boost their egos. You would never want to be treated like some object or a piece of meat. You are a human being and you only want to be entertaining boys who are genuinely serious about their feelings for you. You only want to be with a man who has pure intentions. However, you can still have difficulty telling whether a guy’s feelings are true or not.

You’ve seen one too many examples of a man breaking a woman’s heart because of his ill-intentions. And you don’t want to be victimized too so you choose to stay vigilant. But it gets to a point wherein you just have to be able to read a few signs in order for you to really tell if a boy likes you or not. Here are a few signs that a man’s intentions for your relationship are as pure and genuine as can be.

1. If a guy has good intentions, then he’s going to be willing to talk about the future.

He envisions a future with you and he wants to sit down and talk to you about it. He wants you to be thinking of the relationship in the long-term. He isn’t looking for some short-term fling. He isn’t looking for a random hookup. He thinks that what you have is something special and is worth actually building on.

2. If a guy has good intentions, he’s going to want to immerse you in his universe.

He isn’t going to make you feel excluded at all. A guy who is genuinely into you would always want to make you feel like you are included in his world. He will introduce you to his deepest passions. He will tell you about his fondest memories. He will make sure that you know the importance of your place in his life.

3. If a guy has good intentions, he isn’t going to be afraid to put a label on your relationship.

He would call you his girlfriend and he wouldn’t be coy about it. He’s not going to beat around the bush with the issue. He won’t be ambiguous or vague about it. He’s going to make a genuine commitment to you because he really isn’t messing around.

4. If a guy has good intentions, he will always make you feel like the priority.

He would always make an effort to make you feel like you are never a second option in his life. He will always put the needs of the relationship above his own. He knows just how much he wants to keep you in his life and he is never going to take you for granted.

5. If a guy has good intentions, he will be consistent with you.

He isn’t going to be hot one minute and then cold on the next. He isn’t going to be indifferent to you one day and affectionate on another. Whatever he feels or whoever he is will never be in doubt because of his consistency. He wants things to be stable between the both of you and he will always deliver with absolute consistency.

6. If a guy has good intentions, he will always be thinking of how to make you happy and comfortable.

He is always thinking of you. He never grows complacent. He knows that he can only express his love and affection in so many ways. That’s why whenever he gets a chance to make you happy or make your life a little easier, he’s going to take it. He will never miss out on an opportunity to bring a smile to your face.

7. If a guy has good intentions, he would put effort into planning your dates.

He wouldn’t be content with just taking you out to the movies every single weekend. He would want to shake things up a little bit. He would always try his best to disrupt the routine. He would make an effort to bring spontaneity in the relationship.

8. If a guy has good intentions, he would make a genuine effort to listen to you.

He wouldn’t ever make you feel like your voice is just getting drowned out. He would always make you feel like your thoughts and your opinions are valued. He would always respect you enough to actually pay attention to what you’re saying whenever you talk to him. He always wants to make you feel like you are being heard.

9. If a guy has good intentions, he would never break his promises to you.

A promise is a promise. He would never betray your trust by deliberately breaking his promises to you. He would always try his best to live up to his word. He wants to be able to gain your trust and he doesn’t want you to think any less of him.

Talk to me

Have anything to add to this list? Let me know in the comments below!

  1. Hey, well I met this guy months ago and he claims that he loves me but he hasn’t shown that he loves and I really like him and I want to be with him so bad. I always think negative things about him. I’m scared that he might break my heart as time goes because I barely know much about him. Do you think I should stay and see what will happen?

  2. If he really likes you, he will not only say it but also show it through his actions. He will make an effort to not leave you in doubt. What I can only offer to you as an advice is to guard and protect your heart at all cost. Only give your heart to a man who is able to show you he has serious intention to you and not just stringing you around.

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