Abandoned in a Dumpster as a Baby, This Man is a Millionaire Today

Images via freddiefiggers on Instagram

Everyone struggles in life, some much more than others. Today’s inspirational story comes from Florida, USA. It’s about a man who, despite having a truly difficult beginning, made something of himself and now owns a multi-million dollar business. It’s about a man named Freddie.

Left in a Dumpster After Birth

Talking about difficult beginnings, Freddie had one of the toughest. In 1989, when he was a mere newborn, he was abandoned in a dumpster and left there. This happened right after his birth.

Newborns are pure, innocent souls; they need a lot of care and love to grow – but Freddie didn’t get any of it. Luckily, a passerby saw him and immediately reported it to the police. Freddie was picked up and sent into the foster care system.

Enter – The Figgers Family

After a few years in the foster care system, the Figgers family adopted Freddie, who took him in with open arms. They gave him love, support, protection, everything he’d needed all his life.

Freddie always had a beautiful mind; he was different, had ideas, and just wanted a family who believed in him. An abandoned baby now found a loving home where he could flourish.

His First Computer

When Freddie was 9-years-old, his father bought him a computer – and that’s when Freddie’s skills really started to develop and shine. He found a real connection to technology; his ideas started flowing at such a young age.

His family wasn’t well-off, but they were very loving, and that’s all Freddie needed. While speaking with The Washington Post, Freddie explained why his father got him the computer:

“He thought that a computer might help to keep me out of trouble,”

Freddie’s Inner-Genius Comes Out

When his father gave Freddie this computer, he didn’t use it to play games or do things others would do – he simply wanted to see how the technology behind it worked. He was more interested in opening up his computer, taking out all of the parts, and successfully putting them back in – teaching himself how each part worked.

At the age of 13, Freddie signed up to work for a computer repair company. And at 15, he was able to launch his own computer repair company. While talking about his specific journey of repairing computers, Freddie told The Washington Post:

“I wouldn’t recommend my path to everyone,”

“But it worked for me. When I was 17, I had 150 clients that needed websites and storage for their files. I just kept building from there.”

With His Family’s Love, Freddie Becomes a Millionaire

Freddie wanted to invent something for his father, who had Alzheimer’s Disease. On his mission to help his father, he created a tiny GPS tracker that could be inserted in a shoe. The device helped him track his father and even speak to him through his shoe. He told The Washington Post:

“I created a device that I could insert in his shoe that would allow me to track him, plus talk to him through his shoe,”

“It was difficult to watch him decline — it’s something you never forget,”

“I’ve always been so grateful to him and my mom. They taught me not to let my circumstances define who I was.”

Because of the sheer love and support his mom and dad gave him, he was able to transform himself into someone who came from nothing and became a millionaire. His GPS tracker program sold for millions of dollars – changing his life forever.

From Being Left in a Dumpster to Owning an Empire

Freddie is now a 30-year-old millionaire and owner of Figgers Wireless – he named his company after his loving family. He even opened up a charitable foundation called The Figgers Foundation. A highly inspirational Freddie writes on his website:

“Don’t let your circumstances define who you are”

Freddie Figgers is a true inspiration, a story of not giving up regardless of where you come from. When he was a baby, he had nothing, no one to care for him. He found a loving family who didn’t have much to give him except for their love and support – and that’s all that matters. He is now a loving and caring son to his family and donates to multiple causes to make sure children don’t grow up in difficult circumstances. We salute you, Freddie!

To be inspired, you can follow Freddie on Instagram here.

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The Washington Post

Images & Featured Image via Freddie Figgers on Instagram

  1. You are a blessed young man especially when you get certain parents That are Foster parents and they there for the love and care for a child I need the loving caring it said the person that dumped you in a dumpster but that’s to let you know never to give up in life dreams do come true and with your parents that can tell you all you’re a very blessed young man and blessed your parents that raised you you’re not missing much from your past you got the right parents may God bless you always

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