Recently, an Australian group of live streamers who go by the username of @vandahoodlive on TikTok posted a digitally altered video on the platform and predicted how the Kardashians and Jenners would look without their cosmetic surgeries and enhancements.
In the viral video, a comparison between the real-life and AI versions of Kim, Kylie, Khloe, Kris, and Kourtney was shown to predict their looks if they had aged naturally.

The video clip used by the streamers was taken from last year’s Keeping Up with the Kardashians finale episode.
The most significant differences between the two versions were in Kylie’s lips and Khloe’s nose.
“We used three different AI software and two different standard graphics software and a full week to pull it off,” Keith from Vandahood Live told PetaPixel.

“We had to take a different approach for each member of the family since each one underwent different changes over the years.”
“For Kylie, we used Deep Face Lab and for two days trained an AI model of her face pre-surgery and set it to match the proportions of her current face.” He told the outlet.
According to the streamers, they used DaVinci Resolve and Adobe After Effects to make adjustments to the model’s skin tone and facial proportions.

“And then in Adobe After Effects, we manually reduced her cheek filler as they went outside the portions of her “before” face. Then lastly we ran it through DaVinci Resolve to grade and match her original skin tone.”
He added, “For Khloe, we again used Deep Face Lab and trained an AI model of her face pre-surgery and set it to match the proportions of her current face. Then ran a few frames through Faceapp to generate her original fuller cheeks then ran those frames through another AI called Ebsynth to apply it to the whole video. And then again DaVinci Resolve for the original skin tone.”
As for Kim and Kourtney, “we trained them on Deep Face Lab and did some minor corrections and skin tone corrections in DaVinci Resolve,” he explained.

The TikTok video has received almost 3 million views and thousands of likes and comments.
“I feel like for Kim and kourt it’s just better makeup now,” one viewer commented.
“The only one who went through an extreme change was Kylie and Khloe,” wrote another.
“Kim’s still the same, her features look more softened up, but that’s just Mario’s work. She just aged otherwise, she’s still as she was before,” another said.
“Honestly, they really don’t look crazy different lmao and kylie was like 15 in that…I look COMPLETELY different from 15 like unrecognizable tbh.” Someone else commented.

Speaking of the public response to their now-viral video, Keith said,
“In the comments section of the TikTok video, there has been all these debates on the Kardashians’ influence and people either going against or defending them. But for us it wasn’t that deep, it was all only for entertainment purposes.”
He further said that it is still very early for Artificial Intelligence, and it has a long way to go before becoming a real deal in the future.
“This new world of AI has made it possible to do things that were impossible only a few years ago. It feels like every month there’s a new AI tool being released that can do incredible things.”
Share Your Thoughts:
What are your views on this viral video? Is the comparison on point? Let us know in the comments.
Sources: PetaPixel – TikTok – Images & Featured Images via @vandahoodlive on TikTok