After the conclusion of the defamation trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard on Wednesday, June 2, 2022, Amber Heard will now have to sort things out moneywise. And we are talking millions here.
With the jury’s ruling in favor of Johnny Depp, Amber Heard has to pay fifteen million dollars to her ex-husband for falsely accusing him of domestic violence and abuse.

The Aquaman actress seems to be in trouble now as she cannot use bankruptcy to get rid of this payment.
On Wednesday, the seven-person jury unanimously decided that Heard had defamed Depp in her 2018 op-ed in the Washington Post.
The jury stated that Amber Heard acted with malice when she published the statement about her being a domestic abuse survivor, which means that they believed she was not being truthful in her statements.

The actress was ordered to pay Depp $10 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive damages for a grand total of $15 million.
Despite the jury awarding Depp $15 million in total, the judge reduced the $5 million in punitive damages from that amount to the Virginia maximum of $350,000, meaning the actor will now only receive $8.35 million in total after paying Heard $2 million.

The amount worth millions will not be manageable for the actress to pay, given that her reputation has been tarnished because of this defamation trial. In her previous press statements, she had said that she has not been getting any acting roles since Johnny Depp sued her. She also can’t use bankruptcy to wipe the debt clean.
Amber was awarded $2 million in compensatory damages out of the $100 million she was seeking in her countersuit against her ex-husband. She was awarded zero dollars in punitive damages.

While talking to the, Los Angeles-based attorney Ronald Richards said that,
“The award is not dischargeable. Punitive damages are never dischargeable or deductible.”
He also said, “Intentional torts like defamation are typically not dischargeable.”
Amber Heard can still choose to lodge an appeal in the court against this decision. She may also attempt to reduce the amount awarded to Johnny Depp. But for now, she did not say anything regarding an appeal.

After the verdict was read, Depp issued a statement in which he thanked the jury for giving him his “life back.”
“I am truly humbled,” he said. “My decision to pursue this case, knowing very well the height of the legal hurdles that I would be facing and the inevitable, worldwide spectacle into my life, was only made after considerable thought.”
Amber, on the other hand, was disappointed with the outcome.

She said, “I’m heartbroken that the mountain of evidence still was not enough to stand up to the disproportionate power, influence, and sway of my ex-husband,”
“I’m sad I lost this case. But I am sadder still that I seem to have lost a right I thought I had as an American – to speak freely and openly,” she said in closing remarks.
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What are your thoughts on Johnny Depp’s statement and how this infamous trial turned out? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Ms Heard…rights as an american is only for Law abiding citizens…u are not….domestic violence happens not just to women ONLY…it is not a gender related offense….. Your mountains of evidence would suffice only if they were not FABRICATED …..witnesses statements are acceptable in court ONLY if they were established to be FACTUAL and not made with MALICE OR COERCION
She should have had to pay more, and she should have perjury charges and domestic violence charges put against her. Treat her the same as a man would be treated.ock her up.
2dt let me say, I haven’t watch any movies of Johnny’s or Amber’s. Amber seemed like a liar and a fake. Amber seemed to be always setting him up and starting arguments. Amber seemed to have an attitude the whole trial. Johnny on the other hand seems sincere and like he was being truthful. I don’t believe either one of them are innocent, but I do believe that Johnny never hit her. I do believe Amber tried her best to get him to do it though. Amber should be embarrassed, I really feel she’s not a true victim of domestic violence. Amber shouldn’t be Johnny is so powerful that the vote was swayed. If Amber can’t pay Johnny, I hope he goes after her, garnishment or otherwise to get his money. He went through a lot with her and his judgement will pay for some of his lawyer fees.
1st let me say, I haven’t watch any movies of Johnny’s or Amber’s movies. Amber seemed like a liar and a fake. Amber seemed to be always setting him up and starting arguments. Amber seemed to have an attitude the whole trial. Johnny on the other hand seems sincere and like he was being truthful. I don’t believe either one of them are innocent, but I do believe that Johnny never hit her. I do believe Amber tried her best to get him to do it though. Amber should be embarrassed, I really feel she’s not a true victim of domestic violence. Amber shouldn’t be Johnny is so powerful that the vote was swayed. If Amber can’t pay Johnny, I hope he goes after her, garnishment or otherwise to get his money. He went through a lot with her and his judgement will pay for some of his lawyer fees.
Amber every Americans has a right to speak their minds providing that they are honest, in your case though, you have been dishonest from the beginning, it was easy for people to condemn you because we are watching and hearing every word you say don’t you get it? He’s been through hell for 6 years with your lies and it had cost him dearly. Accept your defeat and get help you surely need it.
As a survivor of dv myself my intuition and every hair on my body rose with every thing she said and the way she spoke to him, not because she was the victim but because she was the aggressor! She got caught in lie after lie and still wants to hold onto the idea this is a terrible setback for woman… no Amber it’s a terrible setback for any victim of dv man or woman because of the lies you told that will now create doubt for people coming forward telling the truth. What a shame you made a mockery of so many serious things. Johnny depp was no saint but taking accountability for yourself goes a hell of a long way! A toxic relationship it was but it was plainly obvious that her motives were awful. I don’t think it had anything to do with his power or persuasion the evidence spoke for itself and lies unravel when you think you can outsmart much smarter people. She tried taking this man’s life and power away which she did, then cries that’s why she lost. Amber you lost because of who you are not him!
As an abuse SURVIVOR, I am wholeheartedly sickened by AH.