After Amber Heard’s lawyers delivered their closing arguments, the jury will hear the $50 million defamation case.
Johnny Depp is suing Heard over an op-ed she wrote in 2018 claiming she had been abu$ed at home.
The article did not specifically name Depp, but he argued that it damaged his career and sued Heard for defamation. Heard countersued Depp for $100 million.

On Monday (27 May), both sides had the opportunity to share their closing arguments for two hours before the case was handed over to the jury to begin deliberations, which will continue into next week.
Depp’s side spoke first, with Camille Vasquez saying the jury must ‘hold Miss Heard accountable for her lies’.

J. Benjamin Rottenborn and Elaine Bredehoft presented Heard’s closing arguments after a recess.
Bredehoft continued:
“He’s going after Amber for nothing because he wants to put her through this again, the third time. So we’re fighting back and that’s the counterclaim. She finally has said enough. We’re asking you to finally hold this man responsible.”
Afterward, both sides were allowed to rebuttal, with Depp’s team getting 39 minutes and Heard’s team getting six minutes.
Rottenborn said in rebuttal:
“The evidence shows Miss Heard did not commit abuse hoaxes… The evidence shows that she was being abuse exactly how not only she, but her witnesses who support her claims, say she was.”
He added:
“Give Amber Heard her voice back.”
Judge Penny Azcarate reminded the jury that this is an ‘important case’ before the jury moves into deliberation.
Azcarate announced earlier today that juror identities will be sealed for one year ‘due to the high-profile nature of the trial – something that had not previously been the case.
Azacarate also shared instructions with the jury – a copy of which would be allowed inside the deliberation room – including telling jurors they must read Heard’s entire op-ed, explaining that they must not seize on any ‘one word, phrase or image’.
Sierra Gillespie reported that to side with Depp on these points, Judge Azacarate said jurors must find that Heard acted with knowledge that the statement was false or with a willful disregard for the truth.
For a favorable verdict for Heard, the jury must determine that Adam Waldman acted with actual malice in making the statements.
Share Your Thoughts:
Who do you think will win the case? Tell us what you think in the comments section below:
Hopefully Johnny
I feel dep should win, I feel this is a set up. And will be deeply upset if heard wins. There is a reason she feels not safe and her actions have consequences.
Amber basically admitted on the last day that she wrote the op Ed because she knew everyone would be on Johnny’s side. Even without his name mentioned, everyone knew it was about him and her previous claims against him. She can’t be an advocate for abuse when she CLEARLY is abusive herself. It’s like saying ” don’t do drugs” and then turning around the next minute and doing drugs.