Be Strong Enough To Let Go Of The Things That Don’t Make you Happy

Be strong enough to actually let go of the things and people who don’t add any value to your life; of the things and people who are only holding you back from being where you need to be. Be strong enough to walk away from the people who don’t really bring anything positive to the table of your life; the people who are only interested in causing confusion, pandemonium, and despair wherever they go. Be strong enough to walk away from toxic relationships; the ones that only cause you a lot of pain, insecurity, and anxiety. You should never settle for being in a relationship that only feeds into your insecurities and fears. You should never be content with just staying in relationships that would destroy your confidence and self-esteem. And once you walk away from all of that toxicity, then you should also be strong enough to never look back on it. Have no regrets about leaving. Have no regrets about exiting that entire toxic narrative. Have no regrets about choosing to take care of yourself.

Be someone who is strong enough to cut anyone out of your life when they don’t respect you. You are a human being and you must always doing whatever you can to preserve your dignity and sense of self-worth. Be strong enough to just shun the people who don’t treat you the way that you deserve to be treated. Be strong enough to stand up to the people who make fun of you, demean you, belittle you, or tell you that you aren’t good enough for something. You shouldn’t have to rely on their validation. You shouldn’t have to depend on their approval. Be strong enough to actually cut ties with the person who doesn’t do anything else bud make you feel bad about yourself; the one who is constantly trying to bring you down. You know that you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life. You know that you are deserving of something that is much better than that.

Be strong enough to actually walk away from the friends and family members who only take and take and take from you without ever giving anything in return. These are the kinds of people who only use you for what you can do for them. But they don’t care about who you are. They don’t care about what you need. They don’t give a damn about your well-being at all. These are the kinds of people who should never be worthy of your time, energy, or attention. These are the kinds of people who you should never have to give any thought to.

Be strong enough to always stand up for yourself. Be strong enough to always make sure that you are able to provide for yourself no matter how many odds might be stacked against you. Be strong enough to make sure that you are able to actually pursue the things that you want in life. Make sure that you are strong enough to face this life on your own. Be strong enough to find success in a world that is constantly pushing for you to fail.

Be strong enough to not be afraid of walking away from people who only bring toxicity to your soul. You don’t want these individuals to be infecting your life. Be strong enough to never be tolerant of anything or anyone who gives you less than what you actually deserve. You are the master of your fate and you always have to make sure that you own up to everything that happens to you. That’s why you have to make sure that you keep bad and toxic people away from you as much as possible. You don’t want these people to be contaminating your life. You don’t want these people to be holding you back and keeping you from where you need to be.

Life isn’t easy. And you’re only ever given just once chance at it. You only ever really get one shot and you can’t afford to blow it. You have to always be making the most out of your chances. You must always be trying your best to maximize the opportunities that you are given. That’s why you can’t concern yourself with the things and people you shouldn’t really be giving a damn about in the first place.

So be strong enough to say no to the people who would never really do anything for you. Be strong enough to turn away from the people who have dark souls and terrible spirits. Be strong enough to be a shining light in this dark world.

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