Be With Someone Who You Don’t Have To Try Too Hard With

Be with someone who is sincerely appreciative of your genuine self the real you.

Be with someone who you can absolutely be yourself with. And we’re talking about your true, genuine, unfiltered self. When you’re in a loving relationship with someone, that person should be choosing to love you for who you are including the best and the worst parts of you. No one should get to pick and choose the things about you that they accept into their lives. It’s all or nothing. Be with someone who you can just let loose with someone who isn’t high-maintenance. This is a person who doesn’t need you to constantly be acting and talking in ways that you’re not comfortable with. You should be with someone who not only tolerates your quirks, but actually encourages them. Be with someone who never forces or compels you to be anyone else other than yourself.

Be with someone who is sincerely appreciative of your genuine self the real you. Be with someone who sees your soul with all of its flaws, blemishes, and broken pieces. This is the one who knows about all of your imperfections and still loves you regardless.

Be with someone you can be completely honest with without hesitation. This is someone who you feel very comfortable revealing all of your deepest and darkest secrets to. This is the person who would willingly pay attention to whatever it is you might want to express or let out. This is the person who would listen to you when you go on your rants. This is the person who would willingly lend you an ear whenever you feel the need to express yourself. Be with someone who actually makes the effort to see things from your perspective. This is someone who really tries to understand where you’re coming from. This is someone who would never make you feel judged or dismissed. This is a person who always gives you a free space and platform to say whatever is in your heart without any fear. This is a person who understands that you aren’t always going too say the right thing, but is still open to listening to you regardless. Be with someone who makes you fearless. This is a person who empowers you and encourages you to speak your mind even when it’s uncomfortable or inconvenient. This is a person who would never tire of listening to you talk. This is someone who is constantly wanting to learn from you and communicate with you.

Be with someone who doesn’t care about ranks or social status. This isn’t a person who cares about what kind of job you have, what company you work for, or how much you make. This is someone who really couldn’t care less about the type of career that you have or the amount of success that you have found in your work. This is someone who cares more about the contents of your heart than the labels or positions attached to your name. This is someone who cares more about the beauty and sincerity of your eyes than the amount of money that you have in your bank account. This is someone who cares more about the purity of your soul than how big your house might be. This is someone who would always be proud of you who would willingly show you off to their friends because they feel like there is nothing about you that they should be ashamed about. This is someone who judges you for your character and your personality and not to the material objects that are attached to you. Be with someone who only wants you for you.

Be with someone who you don’t have to try too hard with because they already manage to make it easy for you. They accept you and love you for who you are and so you don’t have to exert any extra effort into being anybody else. Be with someone who is purely conetent with loving you for you someone who has no intentions of ever trying to change or manipulate you.

Be with someone who is constantly reminding you to love yourself. How despite the fact that you have your occasional falls and stumbles, you are still a person of value in this world; you are still a person who is worthy of love. Be with someone who loves you on your best days, and loves you even more on your worst days.

Be with someone who doesn’t make you feel like your relationship is exhausting and toxic. Be with someone with someone who doesn’t treat your relationship as a game; who doesn’t treat you like a prize to be won. Be with someone who doesn’t objectify you. Be with someone who acknowledges your worth as a human being. Be with someone who respects you enough to allow you to just be yourself. Be with someone who accepts you and loves you because you are you.

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