Mad Max: Fury Road was one of 2015’s chart-topping movies, winning over 6 Oscar to its name. Charlize Theron & Tom Hardy carried out the leading roles, both flawless at their craft of acting and performing.

Today’s story is about what happened behind the scenes of this massive hit production and how challenging it is to make such a behemoth of a film – especially when the leads aren’t happy with each other.

Kyle Buchanan is one of the New York Times’ most well-known columnists. He recently wrote a book about what it was like behind the scenes of such a mammoth movie. The book is called Blood, Sweat & Chrome: The Wild And True Story Of Mad Max: Fury Road – and it talks about the difficulties that happened between Charlize Theron & Tom Hardy, among other things.
Charlize Theron & Tom Hardy – Real Fury on Set

A detailed excerpt of the book was published by Vanity Fair, where they talk about some of the book’s major parts. The book goes in-depth on how Charlize had a lot of issues with Tom never being on time – which is a significant issue. She had a lot of incidents where they were supposed to begin filming a particular scene, and Tom was still not available.

In one specific incident told by cameraman Mark Goellnicht, Ms. Therone was on set at 8 am sharp, her costume was done, and she was ready to shoot a scene in Mad Max’s War Rig. But by 9 am, Mr. Hardy was still not there.
Mr. Mark said:
“Gets to nine o’clock, still no Tom,”
“‘Charlize, do you want to get out of the War Rig and walk around, or do you want to . . .’ ‘No, I’m going to stay here.’ She was really going to make a point. She didn’t go to the bathroom, didn’t do anything. She just sat in the War Rig.”

Ms. Therone stayed in the War Rig; being very serious at her job, she waited until Mr. Hardy finally arrived very late at 11 am. And that’s when things get really heated and serious. Mr. Mark continues:
“She jumps out of the War Rig, and she starts swearing her head off at him, saying, ‘Fine the f***ng c**t a hundred thousand dollars for every minute that he’s held up this crew,’ and ‘How disrespectful you are!'”
“She was right. Full rant. She screams it out. It’s so loud, it’s so windy — he might’ve heard some of it, but he charged up to her up and went, ‘What did you say to me?'”

That’s when Ms. Therone felt threatened and asked for protection. Mr. Mark continued:
“That was the turning point, because then she said, ‘I want someone as protection.’ She then had a producer that was assigned to be with her all the time,”
Charlize Theron shared how she felt about this heated exchange:
“It got to a place where it was kind of out of hand, and there was a sense that maybe sending a woman producer down could maybe equalize some of it, because I didn’t feel safe,”
“I kind of put my foot down. George (the director of Mad Max: Fury Road) then said, ‘Okay, well, if Denise comes . . .’ He was open to it and that kind of made me breathe a little bit, because it felt like I would have another woman understanding what I was up against,”
Ms. Theron also spoke on how the environment on set made her feel:
‘when I was on set, I still felt pretty naked and alone,’
Tom Hardy Admits to Being a Difficult Person

Tom Hardy also shared what was going on through his mind on the set of Mad Mad: Fury Road. He shared that he was:
“in over my head in many ways.”
“The pressure on both of us was overwhelming at times. What she needed was a better, perhaps more experienced partner in me,”
“That’s something that can’t be faked. I’d like to think that now that I’m older and uglier, I could rise to that occasion.”
Both Tom Hardy & Charlize Theron are masters at performing incredible roles in their movies – we truly hope these two can work together in a better state in the future because Fury Road was an incredible and intense movie.
Share Your Thoughts
What are your thoughts on these two massive superstars and their problems on set? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Source: Vanity Fair
The problem was her language..she thought she can go off with the profanity laced rant like a brut, and when he had enough and asked “what did you say” well then she felt threatened 😂😆😆😂😆