Australian Couple Who Lost Three Children in Accident Share Heartwarming Story Behind their New Daughter’s Name

Images via i_4giveday on Instagram

This tragic yet heartwarming story of immense loss, strength and unbreakable perseverance comes from Sydney, Australia. Danny & Leila Abdallah tragically three of their children in 2020 when a driver crashed into them.

The couple shared seven children together before this incident took place on February 1, 2020 – they lost their daughters, Sienna & Angelina, and their son, Antony, in this crash. They also lost their niece – Veronique Sakr.

Losing one child is something that breaks people into pieces; this couple lost multiple children in one incident – but they kept going strong and struggled through the extremely traumatizing incident.

A few weeks ago, the couple welcomed a baby daughter, and they shared an emotional reason behind their daughter’s name. Their daughter is named Selina – a mix of Sienna & Angelina.

The couple’s remaining children, Michael, Alex, and Liana, were ecstatic when they embraced their new baby sister.

According to the Abdallahs, it was Liana’s idea to name the baby girl Selina. Liana is their eldest daughter.

Sharing a heartening and endearing post on Instagram, the Abdallahs said:

“The Abdallah family are proud to announce the birth of our 7th child into our family.”
“Baby Abdallah Born 18th March 2022 at 7:40am, her weight is 3.3 kg and her height is 51cm. Our little girl is in good health.”
“Antony, Angelina, and Sienna in heaven, Liana, Alex and Micheal with us.
“God has answered our prayers”
“The Lord gives and the Lord takes blessed be the name of the Lord.”

The Abdallahs’ sheer strength teaches us to not give up on faith regardless of what life puts us through. They suffered beyond anything we can imagine, but they still kept going without slowing down or losing faith.

Our hearts are with this family; thank you for being incredible teachers in how faith can forever heal. May you get all of life’s happiness and goodness in your journey.

You can follow this amazing family on Instagram here.

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Images & Featured Image via I4give on Instagram

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