Dad Leaves Angry Note in Daughter’s Lunchbox for Teachers After They Told her off for Bringing Unhealthy Food

A furious dad asked his daughter’s teachers to mind their own business after they tried to control what she eats at school.

Ross Hunt, a father of three from Wales and owner of a wax melt business, took to his TikTok and revealed that the teachers at his daughter’s school insisted that she eat her sandwich and carrots before touching her treats.

After ignoring for a few times, the fuming father decided to handle the matter in his way.

He made a note and stuck it inside her daughter’s lunchbox.

“Welcome to my daughters’ Lunch Box! We are aware of the contents of this box and are happy for her to eat whatever she wants,” the note read.

In his TikTok video, Hunt said, “Right, let me show you this real quick – we’ve done this for my daughter’s lunchbox.”

“Basically, the kids at school have been getting s*** off one of the dinner ladies for eating ‘unhealthy’ food.”

He added, “It’s f****** irritating and it’s put her off taking her lunch with her. It’s alright if you eat the chocolate cake the school gives you, but if you put one in their lunch box, they go ‘Oh no, you shouldn’t have that’.”

After showing the note he put in his daughter’s lunchbox, Ross said that the teachers should stop telling his girl what she should and should not eat and let the parents decide.

The clip went viral on TikTok and received hundreds of comments from parents who backed the annoyed father and said a child’s parents know better what they should and shouldn’t eat and teachers should stop nagging the kids.

“Worked in a school which served cake but we had to confiscate a penguin bar from a kids’ lunchbox as it’s not allowed. It’s silly to be honest,” one wrote.

“My son and daughter are so conscious about what they eat due to the school promoting ‘healthy eating’,” another said.

“I work in a school and have this argument often. I would rather a child ate and was full than lots of ‘healthy’ foods they won’t eat,” added another.

“It’s a nightmare they promote healthy eating but my child comes home saying they had pizza and chips and some cake so which part of that is healthy?” someone commented.

“I’m told not to comment on ‘non healthy’ food at my work because we’d rather the kids be full than not wanting to eat anything due to our comments,” a teacher commented.

“My child is fed. THANK YOU!’ could be an option,” someone said.

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Source: TikTok

  1. Schools are butting in way too much! They need to mind their own business. Parents are the one who decides

    1. Wow! I hope you are a parent and not an educator? As a kindergarten teacher it would basically be illegal for me to turn my head and as you said,”mind there own business”. We are called out if we do or if we don’t. We are expected from parents like you to not only teach children but raise them. I have raised 2 of my own and would never be so unappreciative for what there teachers did for them over the years. Parents blow my mind?

      1. Basically illegal? In what country?

        Truth be told, calling a child out like that, will most likely create an unhealthy relationship with food. Any teacher that does that need be dismissed. Disgusting behaviour

  2. Totally agree, I would of put the other note on it lol 😆 as long as they are eating its fine not all kids want to eat what’s dictated to them.

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