Daily Horoscope for Friday, July 12, 2019

This is what is in store for your Zodiac sign today:

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You’re going to be feeling very uncomfortable today, Aries. It’s all because you aren’t really sure about the state of your finances at the moment. You’ve got some cash, but you don’t know if it’s going to be enough to last you until your next big pay day, and you’re really worried. But you can’t let yourself go crazy over that. Just make sure that you sit down and really analyze and understand your financial situation just to put your mind at ease.

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 21)

You may have a romantic partner or interest right now who isn’t really responding to any of your efforts or initiatives. It is starting to cause a lot of doubt and insecurity in your heart. You just can’t help but wonder why things are the way that they are. But you shouldn’t let yourself get carried away. Perhaps they’re just dealing with some things in their personal life at the moment. It might not even have anything to do with you.

3. Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

You are going to gather a lot of possible ideas for a really big creative project today, Gemini, and it is really going to excite the heck out of you. It’s all still very raw and vague. You don’t really have a clear understanding of what it is you want to do just yet. However, you are already very excited at the thought of being able to channel all of your creative energy into something. But you have to make sure that it’s all a natural process. You shouldn’t be forcing the issue.

4. Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

You might have a close friend or a loved one in your life right now who doesn’t seem to be in the mood to engage with you and talk with you. This is going to lead you to think that they are mad at you or upset with you. But you shouldn’t really be jumping to conclusions just yet. The likely culprit is that they are deeply troubled by a big challenge in their life, and maybe you should just let them address it on their own for now.

5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

There are going to be a few opportunities that will come your way today which will allow you to explore new career paths. Even though it can be very tempting to make a change right now, it might be important for you to reassess where you are in your professional life and whether a change is warranted. Ultimately, this is a decision that you are going to have to come to on your own. Don’t let other peoples’ influence play to big of a role in your decision-making.

6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

You are going to feel this immense heaviness and emotional weight inside of you that you just can’t seem to place, Virgo. You feel as if something is just off and there’s a need to address it. However, you can’t quite figure out what that is. The truth that it’s probably some unresolved feelings and issues from long ago that you have yet to address. They are now starting to surface and it might be good for you to reflect on these feelings.

7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

You are expecting some huge cash to come your way today, but it’s been delayed and you don’t know what to do to follow it up. You don’t know who you should be contacting or reaching out to. You have a choice to either dwell on it and stress out over it, or you could just let it slip and hope that everything will eventually turn out fine. Hopefully, you choose the latter. Trust that this delay isn’t going to impact your life in that significant of a manner.

8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)

You might be prone to having a very deep and intense emotional experience today over someone that you are going to meet. It’s not going to be any negative energy that will envelop your soul, nor is it going to be something positive. It’s just a sheer sense of attraction and familiarity that you’re going to have with a person even though you’ve only just met them. Whether or not this is going to lead to something fruitful in the future is still up in the air.

9. Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

You are going to get a sudden rush of inspiration and motivation to increase your income, Sagittarius. However, you know that this is also going to mean you having to put in the extra work. You are concerned about whether you are going to have the time or energy to do everything. However, you just have to silence your doubts and insecurities. Believe in yourself and know that you are capable of more than what you give yourself credit for.

10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

You are going to be feeling really romantic today, Capricorn, and it’s really going to surprise you. You aren’t really the romantic type, but you just can’t shake the feelings of love and affection today for some weird reason. Perhaps it’s because you’ve been on the receiving end of a lot of love lately, and you’re looking to pay it back or forward to others.

11. Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

You are going to be feeling hurt or betrayed by some insensitive words that will be uttered by a close friend or loved one. And even though you are going to be feeling immense emotional pain, you have to consider the possibility that they never intended to hurt you that way. It might be best for you to just talk things out and find a way to come together.

12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Someone close to you is going to reach out to you for some advice and perspective on some challenges that they are going through. You might not really know what to say, but you have to trust that the fact that you’re taking the time to listen to them is enough to help as it is.

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