Daily Horoscope for Monday, June 24, 2019

This is what is in store for your Zodiac sign today:

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You are going to want to serve as an inspiration for other people to be more confident and sure about themselves, Aries. You need to show them that it’s okay to be comfortable in your own skin. Show them just how great life can be when you actually own up to who you are and accept the parts of yourself that you think other people wouldn’t love. This is your purpose of the day, And you need to really step up to the plate.

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 21)

Just try to stay calm even though things aren’t really going to be going your way today, Taurus. You aren’t going to have plenty of things work out the way that you want them to, but that’s not really too big of a problem. Just try to stay as patient as possible. Don’t let your anger or frustration compromise your work. Just keep your head down and push forward. You will come out stronger at the end of this day so as long as you stay determined.

3. Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

You might want to take a few risks and place some unlikely bets today, Gemini. You are going to come into some serious luck which will offer you large sums of money. And the best part is that you came to this cash without really exerting any substantial effort. Make sure that you don’t spend that cash recklessly though. You still want to be staying fiscally responsible regardless of what you did (or didn’t do) to earn that cash.

4. Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

If you are going to have a new person come into your life today, then you’re going to want to make sure that you make it a slow and gradual process. It’s important that you don’t let them in all the way. You don’t want to be vomiting up all of your secrets and intimacies in a single go. Make sure that you are still able to maintain an air of mystery and allure. That’s key in making them want to come back for more.

5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You aren’t going to want to hold back today, Leo. You are going to want to give it your full force. You want to be exerting all of your time, energy, and money into this endeavor of yours. Trust that it’s all going to pay off for you a hundredfold in the end. The universe is offering you a lot of energy to work with right now. Make sure that you are able to capitalize on it and use it for your advantage.

6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

It’s not really going to be a good day for you to lock yourself away from the company of other people. You can’t be allowing your feelings of sadness and sorrow to get the best of you, Virgo. If you’re going to suffer, at least do it in the company of people you love. You don’t want to just waste a whole day by staying in your room and crying about something that is practically beyond your control at this point. Be strong enough to find the courage to move on.

7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

It’s time to party, Libra! Crank out some tunes and invite all of the people that you love over to your house. You shouldn’t really stress over the pile of work that you have to do or the projects that require your attention. Take this day to just relax and find some love for yourself. Once you feel like you’re whole again, rededicate yourself into your workload. But for now, just try to have a little bit of fun. You are entitled to that.

8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)

It’s not really going to be easy for you to make any major decisions about your life at the moment, Scorpio. You are going to really struggle with finding the resolve to just settle on something you know you can really get behind. That’s okay. We all get stumped every once in a while. And even though this whole ordeal can be really stressful, you need to make sure that it doesn’t get the best of you.

9. Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

The universe is aligned in a way for you to have a really smooth and easy ride today, Sagittarius. You are just going to find that things are going to go your way a lot today. This means that you have an opportunity to really focus on the things that you have to do. You won’t have to worry about distractions or external stressors that might keep you from being productive. You can just focus on the task at hand to get that out of the way.

10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

You shouldn’t be so mad at the idea of people just not making you feel like you are being taken seriously today, Capricorn. The theme for the day is for you to stay happy and joyful regardless of the energy that other people are going to bring into your life. You have had a really toxic and intense last few days. Think about how stressed you were back then and how easy you have it right now. Use that image as a reason for you to be thankful.

11. Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

You might discover that there is this external force who is trying to make things a lot more challenging for you than it really has to be. And even though you will be tempted to do things your own way, just try to stick to what you’re told. Prove to them that you are capable of getting the job done regardless of whatever odds or challenges might be stacked against you.

12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

This is not a day for you to be hogging the spotlight right now, Pisces. Start the day with a lot of energy but make sure that it’s still subdued. You don’t want to be drawing too much attention to yourself right now. Use this day as an opportunity to observe and learn from those around you. It’s a perfect day to be a wallflower.

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