This is what is in store for your Zodiac sign today:
1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)
You know that there is this flame inside of you at the moment that you can’t seem to put out. You have to be able to channel that heat into something real and material. However, you need to be careful. Fire can burn other people if you don’t handle it well. Make sure that you conduct yourself with poise and restraint. Try to hold back whenever necessary. There’s no need to be letting all of your passion out at once.
2. Taurus (April 20 – May 21)
It is absolutely necessary that you learn to toughen yourself up today, Taurus. You can’t afford to be all weak and passive. This won’t really be an issue for you since you already have a very passionate and strong personality. However, you also tend to let your feelings get the best of you sometimes. You need to thicken your skin and make sure that the opposing words and viewpoints of others won’t really affect you in a negative manner.
3. Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
You would be able to get a lot of things done today if you just learn to cast away all of your doubts and apprehensions, Gemini. There is no way that you would ever be able to make the most out of your potential if you keep talking yourself down. Don’t believe the naysayers. Try to shut out all of the negative thoughts from your mind. Focus on believing in yourself and in listening to those who believe in you as well.
4. Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
It’s going to feel as if there is a barrier between yourself and the people that you’re going to be interacting with today, Cancer. You typically have no problems with letting your feelings and emotions be known to others. But today, you’re going to struggle with finding the right words to accurately communicate to other people just what it is you want to get off your chest. Expect to deal with a lot of misunderstandings and disconnects today.
5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)
You are going to be the absolute star of the day. Everyone is going to want to get a piece of you, Leo. You are going to thrive in the limelight since it’s already your comfort zone to begin with. A lot of people are going to be listening to the words that you have to say today. But be very careful that you don’t let all of the fame and attention get to your head. Your ego is also your greatest weakness after all.
6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
If you’re not interested in getting into some feisty debates with people today, Virgo, then you might just want to shut yourself off from the world. There is a lot of tension that is arising in the air today, and it makes for some very interesting drama. Of course, being the Virgo that you are, drama isn’t necessarily something that you are too keen on welcoming into your life. You might as well try to avoid it altogether.
7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)
You are going to want to spend your time with those who are closest to your heart today, Libra. It has been a very trying time for you lately, and days like these are important for you. You need to be reminded of the fact that there are just so many people who care about you and who would do anything to try to help you succeed in life. It can be very refreshing and rejuvenating for the soul.
8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)
You are in for a few surprises or so today, Scorpio. And it might be best to brace yourself both on an emotional and physical level. These surprises might end up crippling you because you aren’t really going to be comfortable with making decisions in haste. However, you are just going to have to go with your gut. Try to trust your instincts and hope for the best. This method of living has gotten you this far, hasn’t it?
9. Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
There are plenty of reasons for you to be thankful and joyous in this life right now, Sagittarius. You shouldn’t let a few negative thoughts and insecure feelings wreck a perfectly good day. Try to attract positivity in your life by only hanging out with people who exude positive energy. Stay away from those who are only looking to steal from your light and add to their own. There is no room for people like that in your life.
10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
You are going to want to practice some serious aggression today when it comes to communication, Capricorn. You are somewhat detached from people and that’s just your nature. However, today, you need to make a concerted effort to connect with others. You need to try to communicate with them and let these unheard thoughts and feelings off your chest. It’s important that people understand the person underneath your harsh exterior.
11. Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
There is no better time to act on your dreams than right now, Aquarius. The universe is shining down on you, and it truly is your time to sparkle in the limelight. You will be thrust into various situations today wherein doors of opportunity will be opened up to you. Make sure that you capitalize on them so that you will be able to show the world just what you’re worth. Lots of positive await you all throughout the day.
12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
It’s just time for you to get rid of all that excess baggage right now, Pisces. It’s not really helping anyone, and it’s definitely not helping your own cause either. You are a rather emotional person, and this time, you don’t want to let your feelings completely take over your system. Shed off all of that excess emotional fat and emerge from this day a freer and lighter individual. It’s the only way you can move forward in life with a smile on your face.