Date Someone Who Makes You Feel Comfortable From Day One

You should only be dating a man who makes conversation so easy, organic, and natural.

You should be in a relationship with someone who just makes everything seem so easy and comfortable. You should be dating a person who actually manages to make a short 5 minute introduction feel like an eternity of friendship. You should be dating someone who actually puts you at ease even though you are typically tense when thrust into awkward social situations. You should be dating a person who actually establishes a deep connection with you even as you’re meeting for the first time. 

You should only choose to date a man who actually doesn’t make take away from your confidence. You should be dating a man who doesn’t manipulate you or takes advantage of your insecurities. You should only be dating a man who actually reassures you of your great personality; a man who allows you to shine the way that you were always meant to. You should only be dating a man who actually complements your awkwardness so that not all the attention is going to be on you. You need to be with someone who is able to play off of you well. You need to be with someone who makes you laugh even when you’re uncomfortable. You need to be dating a man who doesn’t make you feel like you are constantly being scrutinized or judged. You should only be dating a man who boosts you up were you’re supposed to be and not pull you down to where he is. 

You should only be dating a man who makes conversation so easy, organic, and natural. You feel like you don’t have to force anything with him. Everything you talk about comes up in a very relaxed manner. You never feel like you have to be dragging the conversation along. You are both perfectly fine with just enjoying each other’s company and talking about anything under the sun. And even when the conversations fail, there isn’t any awkwardness at all. You still find comfort just sitting together in perfect silence. It’s as if you’re still carrying on a conversation without having to utter a single word. 

You shouldn’t have to settle for dating a man who actually diminishes your capacity to love yourself. You shouldn’t have to be dating a man who demeans you and belittles you; who actually threatens your sense of self-confidence. You shouldn’t have to force yourself to date a man who just takes your dignity and stomps all over it. You shouldn’t have to date a man who makes you feel unsure and insecure about the situation that you’re in. You shouldn’t have to be losing sleep at night thinking about how dysfunctional your dating life has become because of this man. You deserve so much more than that.

You shouldn’t have to be walking on eggshells around him. You shouldn’t always have to be extremely careful with your words because he is extremely sensitive. You shouldn’t have to be contorting your body in a way that doesn’t set off any of the triggers of his rage. You shouldn’t have to be so stressed about how you present yourself and how you talk to him. You should never have to feel like anything you say will end up being used against you. This relationship shouldn’t have to feel like it’s a case in court. 

You shouldn’t have to feel compelled to silence yourself. You should be dating a man who grants you the freedom and confidence to speak freely about whatever it is you want to express. You shouldn’t feel coerced into suppressing the important parts of your personality. You should be placed in a situation where it’s okay for you to be your true self without reservations. You have to stop worrying about the possible backlash that may arise from you being normal. If he can’t accept you for who you really are, then he doesn’t deserve what you have to offer. 

You should only choose to be dating a person who accepts you for who you are as a whole. You shouldn’t be dating a man who treats you like a buffet; wherein he only chooses the parts that he likes and ignores the parts that he hates. He has to be able to accept all the things that actually make you who you are; the good, the bad, the weird, the ugly, and the beautiful. He should be willing to accept the skeletons in your closet. He should be welcoming of your little quirks and oddities. He should be willing to acknowledge the bad parts of who you are and he should be willing to love you in spite of them. 

Love doesn’t always have to be so simple or easy, but it doesn’t have to feel overwhelming either. You have to only date the guy who manages to make you feel like love is worth it. You have to be with the person who makes you understand that love is something you have to work at every single day of your lives. You have to be with the person who actually shows you how beautiful true love can actually be.

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