Cheating hurts. In some ways, it hurts more than physical pain in a lot of ways as it sticks with you throughout your life – you’re never fully able to recover from being cheated on but you still try to keep the sliver of hope alive and move forward in life. It fills our hearts with joy when we find someone who’s been cheated on find happiness in life. Such is today’s story.
The Story
Redditor, ThrowRAmaidofhonor, is the daughter of this story. Her mom cheated on her dad when she was young. She shared her story on the relationship_advice subreddit. She wrote:
“About 4 years ago when I was 14, I found out that my mother cheated on my father. I immediately told him and this basically lead to their divorce.”
“My mother was self-centered and ab*sive towards my father durig their marriage. She also was barely involved in my life as a mother. My father was with me every step I took and was always there for me in my upbringing. Her infidelity basically crossed the line for me. She destroyed whatever was left of us as a family. I didn’t want her in my life anymore. My father was granted full custody by my request in the divorce. I pretty much cut my mother out of my life and apart from some texting, she isn’t invovled in my life and that’s how I want it to be.”
“About a year after my parents seperated, my father met his current fiancé. I was fully supportive of this relationship because it was great to see my father happy with someone who cared just as much about him as he does about her.”
“For the past 3 years my dad’s fiancé pretty much grew to be my best friend. She has been involved, supportive and helped me so much from the start. She has been able to support me in different ways than my father that have helped me greatly. She has definitely been my female role model in my life and I can say that I have true love for her.”
“She and my father are having their wedding this summer. She asked me to be her maid of honor and I love it. But out of nowhere my mother found out about this.”
“I still have low contact with my mother but we do text a bit. I did not tell her anything about this but somehow she found out. She called me crying saying that it would break her heart if I were to be the maid of honor at their wedding. She went on a rant that she will always remain my mother and that nothing is going to change about that. I just told her that I didn’t know what to answer.”
“I 100% support my dad’s fiancé and want to be her maid of honor. I want to make it clear to my mother that she has no say in what I do but don’t really know how to go about this. How can I make it clear that she has no say in my life without necessarily cutting her off completely?”
Everyone Supported Her
Reddit’s community praised and supported this daughter for going through what she did and standing by her father. Here are some of the best comments:
ConvivialKat wrote:
“I don’t actually think you need to go to the effort of saying she has no say in your life. I mean, why bother? She’s just trying to cause drama. Don’t let her. It’s not like she can stop you from doing what you want to do. If she brings it up, again, just tell her you’ve already promised and don’t break your promises. Enough said.”
“I hope the wedding is wonderful!”
Bunnawhat13 commented:
“You don’t need to explain it to her at all of you don’t want to. It is your life, it is your choice. You being a maid of honor in your father’s wedding and her being your mother have absolutely nothing to do with each other.”
GenoFlower said:
“If you say anything, and you don’t have to, just say, ‘I’m really sorry you feel that way, but I’m not going to discuss Dad’s wedding with you. Have you been outside? Isn’t it lovely today…?'”
“If she continues, you probably have a sock drawer that needs some rearranging, and you really need to go. :)”
imperator_rex_za chimed in:
“I think it shows how selfish she is by crying over something as little as this. She cheated on your dad, he’s found love again and you’ve found a friend – and by being your dad’s fiancés maid of honour you are supporting and showing your love for them both. It’s wholly unreasonable for your mom to try and emotionally manipulate you into not doing it.”
“Tell her she has no right given her own actions past. Also remind her you’re supporting your dad and your friend, you’re not doing anything else.”
armorphoenix said:
“That’s a pretty big ‘I’m sorry you feel that way’ moment. Support your good parent and your best friend over the narcissist.”
“Don’t feed the monster by even letting this bother you. You should just tell your mother what you said in the last paragraph of your post.”
bnthrdntht1965 spoke facts:
“What your mother is doing is setting up a conflict of loyalties. She’s crying for you to be loyal to her, if you don’t she’ll wear the victim label proudly. What she is doing is manipulative and unhealthy for you.”
“I think your best bet is to simply say I’m sorry you feel that way but you don’t get a say in this decision, period.”
goldstarstickergiver commented:
“Your mother is selfish and has no respect for the feelings of others. She only cares about her own feelings.”
“Thats the kind of people that cheaters are, and she’s showing it again by not asking or caring how you feel about the request to be MOH.”
“Just be honest with your mother and say much of what you said here: your dads fiance has become a best friend and a role model, and youre honored and excited to be her MOH.”
“If mom doesnt like it then too bad. I bet your dad draws a lot of strength from your love and support. I’m sure hes super proud of you.”
This post has over 300 comments at the time of writing this article, you can read them all on Reddit here.
Share Your Thoughts
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Source: Reddit