Don’t Be So Quick To Believe What You Hear Because Lies Spread Quicker Than The Truth

You’re probably going to be hearing a lot of things about me – but I hope that you can look beyond the chatter. Because a lot of times, what you hear isn’t always going to be what is true. You have to remember that lies are always going to spread faster than the truth. And I need you to trust your own senses – your own impression of me. I hope that you get to know me based on the time that you spend with me and not on the things that you hear about me from other people.

I want you to know who I am based on your own perceptions of me. I don’t want you to taint your view of myself because of the stuff that you hear. I don’t want the lies to cloud your perspective of me. I don’t want you to judge me for who I am based on how other people are judging me. I want you to get to know the real me.

I want you to really take the time to get to know me. I want you to really put the effort into trying to notice all of the most intricate details surrounding who I am. I want you to memorize the exact structure of my face. I want the color of my eyes to forever be implanted into your mind. I want you to be familiar with the brand of cologne that I use – that you can sense my presence in the room without even having to see me there. I want you to know about all of my favorite music; my favorite songs and bands.

I want you to take the time to know my favorite books and movies; the stuff that make me laugh and cry no matter how many times I experience them. I want you to get to know who I am on the inside as well. I want you to be familiar with all of the stuff that makes me tick; the stuff that grinds my loins. I want you to be familiar with my psychological and emotional makeup. I want you to get to know me so well to the point that you know how I’m going to react to certain situations.

I want you to know about all of my personal preferences. I want you to get my favorite flavor of ice cream without even having to ask me what it is. But it’s not just the surface stuff that I want you to know about me. More importantly, I want you to go deeper and deeper. I want you to go deep into every nook and cranny of my soul. I want you to discover every fiber of my being. I want you to know about the things that bring me most joy and fulfilment in this world. I want you to know about the things that make my heart race.

I want you to discover my hopes and dreams. I want you to hold my hand and help me figure out the things in life that I haven’t figured out yet. I want you to be familiar with the things that I daydream and fantasize about. I want you to get to know about my relationships with the spiritual. I want you to understand my philosophies and views on life. I want you to argue with me and fight with me – just so you get a chance to understand me better. I want you to know about the things that I want to focus on the most in life.

I want you to discover the things that I’m most passionate about. I don’t expect you to be passionate about these things as well – but at the very least, I expect you to take an interest in them. I want you to really put in the effort into trying to see the world from my eyes – seeing the world through my lens. I hope that you get to know about my past and history – and I want you to discover my history from me; straight from the source. I hope you don’t become content with merely forming an image of me through the words and stories of others.

I hope you give me a chance to paint a picture of my own life with my own words. I hope you take the time to try to figure out why I turned out the way that I did by spending time with me and asking me questions about my experiences. I want you to love and accept me for who I really am. I want you to understand that I’m not perfect and I want you to be patient with me when it takes a while for me to open up about my insecurities and vulnerabilities.

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