Don’t Marry Him Unless You’ve Done These 8 Things In Front Of Him

There’s a certain level of comfort that you have to be able to reach with your partner before either of you decide to tie the knot with one another. It’s only normal.

Your relationship is composed of a series of stages and tests that you both have to go through together. These stages are going to prepare you and your partner for tests in the future. And the deeper you get in the relationship, the stronger you become – but also, the more difficult the problems of your relationship are going to be.

One of the most important tests in a relationship is the test of comfort that the two of you have with one another. Yes, relationships are a struggle.

They are always going to require a lot of hard work. And that’s why it’s very important that you establish a rapport with one another that doesn’t add to that struggle; that doesn’t make things more complicated than it has to be.

And when you actually have that level of comfort with each other, you’re both going to feel like you will be able to conquer whatever challenge your relationship might face.

Sometimes, you’re going to have to learn to be comfortable with things that your partner does which you would never be okay with other people doing – and vice versa. Unless your partner has seen these less-than-perfect sides of you, then you really can’t be thinking about marriage yet.

Your partner has to express a certain comfort (or at least a tolerance) for the worst parts of your personality. Some of these are pretty serious, and some of these can be quite silly as well. Don’t marry him unless you’ve done these 8 things in front of him.

1. Have a really ugly cry.

It’s important that he is able to see you ugly cry at least once for a number of reasons. For one, you’re going to be able to gauge how he’s going to take care of you when your sadness is going to drive you into hysterics. It’s a way of testing his empathy and support. Another reason is that if he sees you ugly cry, and he still loves you despite how you look, then you definitely know that that love is for real.

2. Go off the rails with your anger.

You can’t ALWAYS let your anger get the best of you. But it’s best that you do so at least once and see if he’s still going to be willing to stick around after that. If he is, then you definitely know that that’s true love.

3. Go grocery shopping together.

Is he going to be able to tolerate your very slow and meticulous process of going about grocery shopping? Remember, this is something that the two of you are probably going to have to do together for the rest of your lives if you’re going to get married.

4. Have a serious vomit.

Vomiting is gross. There’s really no sugarcoating it. Whenever you vomit, you can bet that that isn’t going to be most flattering image of yourself. And so if he sees you vomit, and he still wants to love you and take care of you, then that’s always a good sign. You can get as drunk or as sick as you want; he’s always going to tolerate your gross emissions of stomach fluids.

5. Pee or fart in front of him.

These are perfectly natural bodily processes – but they are also pretty gross. Usually, you would want to do these things in private. Or at the very least, when you fart, you want to make sure that it’s a silent one so that people wouldn’t know that it was you. But when you’re really deep into the relationship, it might be okay to start doing these things in front of one another. There shouldn’t really be that much to hide anymore.

6. Poop in front of him.

This is essentially a lot like the previous entry – except you’re just taking things a step further. And that’s a pretty significant step. That’s a level of grossness that not many couples are able to tolerate in one another.

7. Have him witness a bloody napkin or tampon.

Menstruation isn’t necessarily something that a lot of men are going to be able to understand well or be comfortable with. So naturally, if your guy expresses a healthy tolerance with you on this matter, then he’s definitely reached a level of comfort with you that he hasn’t reached with many other women. This isn’t something that grosses him out as much as you would think.

8. Perform your most secret guilty pleasure.

You probably have a secret guilty pleasure that NO ONE else knows about – and you should be able to do it in front of him. You should let him in. You should expose yourself in that regard. He’s your man and he has to know everything about you if you’re going to get into a relationship together.

  1. I think certain things a man shouldnt see even after marriage, so why show him before marriage, like ur tampon or pooping…i guess a lady can show her emotions and sickness but stay a lady infront her man

      1. Agreed! I’ve been in 10+ year relationships and never once pooped in front of them. I will do everything power to avoid him being in the vicinity of that. I think that doing disgusting things, is not the same as, feeling comfortable. Basically, I feel like this says, “Unless I show my man ,my bloody tampon, or vomit,, my marriage will never be able to make it. We won’t be able to ever feel comfortable.” This is the stupidest thing I’ve read in a while. What happened to keeping a level of mystery to the relationship? If your guy leaves because you cry or get angry, well, he just not worth it. If he leaves after seeing your bloody tampon or poop, you’ve obviously ruined any potential sexuall attraction he may have had. In which case you brought that discomfort on yourself.. No guy feels more comfortable around their woman because he sees her bloody tampon or stool. No. He simply has a stronger stomach or can turn a blind eye to it. Or maybe he will be so grossed out, you may be single, or at least extremely unsatisfied in certain departments. Please ladies do NOT take this advice. Yes everyone poops. I think most men would agree they don’t need to see you do it. And I am a woman with those feelings.

        1. as a man I would like to address this no I definitely need to be able to access these gross parts bcuz what if I end up having to wipe her up after a accidental poop or period I need to know that she won’t be embarrassed nor feel uncomfortable because I’m already privy to all the nasty things.

        2. I agree with you. Some things are ment to be private and pooping and peeing are just a couple of things. most of this is just made up crap and stupid.

      2. My wifey has done it in front of me, she is pooped in front of me, she has farted and or peed in front of me, she even was puking two nights ago from being sick I got up and take care of her. If you love someone then your love should show no matter what.

    1. Im assuming youre a man and if so obviously unmarried based on this article…if youre a woman then get over these things they are ladylike because ladies do them.

      1. THen I Assume you wouldn’t mind cleaning the shower with my hairs and wouldn’t get into a raging lunatic if I had missed one hair in the bathroom after cleaning.

        1. That’s called OCD and is very dangerous and ruined my third marriage. But made way for my fourth marriage.
          People like that require a choice live with or live without. I chose to live without.

    2. Agreed! I’ve been in 10+ year relationships and never once pooped in front of them. I will do everything power to avoid him being in the vicinity of that. I think that doing disgusting things is not the same as feeling comfortable. Basically I feel like this says unless I show my man my bloody tampon my marriage will never be able to make it. We won’t be able to ever feel comfortable with them. This is the stupidest thing I’ve read in a while. What happened to keeping a level of mystery to the relationship? If your guy leaves because you cry or get angry, well, he just not worth it. If he leaves after seeing your bloody tampon or poop, you’ve obviously ruined any potential sequel attraction he may have had. In which case you deserve being alone and unless. No guy feels more comfortable around their woman because he sees her bloody tampon or stool. No. He simply has a stronger stomach or can turn a blind eye to it, or he will be so grossed out, you may be single, or at least extremely unsatisfied in departments. Please ladies do NOT take this advice.

      1. I never had any problems With pads changing when she gave birth they had to cut (incision) clean up or popping wiping her clean. Sooner or later she would have to do it me. It’s for better or Worst.🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️

    3. Absolutely true! There are just some things that a lady doesn’t do in front of her man or anyone else for that matter!

  2. I totally disagree with pooping in front of your significant other. I’ve been married for almost 36 years and I have never done that. Also the tampon, never. Have respect for yourself.

    1. I agree. Popping in front of your significant other is disgusting 🤢. Same with showing a bloody tampon.. Just yuck.

  3. I think my partner and I have achieved all these goals and beyond. Been together 20 years. I think it’s time we tie that knot.!!

  4. I’ve been married 31 years, and have never used the toilet in front of my husband, or left a dirty pad in the trash for him to see. Honestly, there are a few things that should remain private time, for both of you.

  5. Pooping and farting, menstrual blood? In don’t even want to smell and see the insides of me, why should he lol I think cleaning up after yourself and disposing of your own human waste is a much better way to behave. If you’re sick, sure let it all out if you must but seriously, don’t think it’s a good idea to just have a turd on the toilet, tooting away while on your period and invite him in for tea and crumpets.

  6. Most of the point are going beyond Yak level.
    Pls have your own dignity and self. Respect no matter if your men or women.
    Handling each other’s emotions can only check I fell is necessarily need to test before marriage.

    You have your whole life the see other things and surprise each other. If one want to do all essential and non essential stuff before marriage itself, why to marry the?

  7. I just got married a few weeks ago but mind you I can’t live with the man for another 8 years and we’ve still accomplished most of these. For those of you all upset about peeing, pooping, farting, tampons, etc. Really? We’re not robots. Just because they see it or are there when it happens doesn’t mean you’re dirty. Like really? You sound like those girls that say they don’t fart, poop, burp, eat, pee. You know when that happened for me and my breathing was done for me? I was in a coma. So, get over yourselves and quit acting all holier-than-thou.

  8. Boys might be bothered by bodily functions but men are unconcerned. Child birth involves all of the above and these days dads often participate. Well before pregnancy we have sex and there’s not much particularly lady-like about it. Every living thing including us creates noises, sights and smells and, ladies, it’s meant to be pleasurable!

  9. always, always only do what you yourself are comfortable with.
    It does not make you anything not to do these things other than being just being you, and this is what your man loves.
    you are the meaning of life. Become the meaning of his.

  10. Really good write up. We have 🐝 been married for 12 yrs and still counting by God’s Grace for the remaining 108 years. All the 8 things,we have done it together including being in the labor room with my wifey and washing the very bloody after birth stuff. I will gladly do more ‘cos I love my wifey to pieces 150% !!!

  11. That’s all funny, took my wife 9 years to fart in front of me!
    Me of course less time!
    But all those things listed are not a big deal if you love each other!
    I have seen it all and done it all both of us have! Been married 52 years and still madly in love!
    Poop puke tampons it makes no difference!!

  12. sometimes you need to think about the other option or other angle of same reason. think abou” what if question”. what if i am very sick and i can’t stand by myself of that illness. can he or she takes care of me in that state of mine? if your nurse or maids can wape your **** if you p**p, just for money to pay them back, then why your man can’t do that if he really loves you. it is really disgusting, but not all the people are that wealthy to pay someone to do that to them when they are in sickness.

  13. Well marriage is suppose to be in sickness and in health. So I believe that GOD knew there would be those times where we need to wipe , wash or do things for each other that would not be the norm if we were well. So that why when marrying some one, these are those things that one must pay close attention to. beauty is beauty and is a gift from GOD . Some have inner beauty ,some have outer beauty some have both, i watched my parents have some difficult times but the cared for each other when each was ill. That caretaker skill was passed on to me and my brother caring for my sister and mother before her death. So cleaning and clearing does not affect me for my husband. I do agree that pooping and changing and peeing and farting can be done in away from your man unless you can wait . Thanks for reading

  14. My husband never saw me do any of these things except cry before we get married. We’ve been married going on 26 years and it’s still fresh and exciting. Who came up with this list🤦🏽‍♀️

  15. 25. years ago i married a drunk . i got him sobber and things went good for a while. He knew I had bad asmatha and was not allowed around smoke he started smoking the Dr told him i could not be around it . He started going outside to do it . Now hes up to 4 packs a day and 90 percent of the time he always around me .So now i have second hand c o p d with 2 major heart problems . Helaughted out load when the Dr told me there was nothing to do now. So now im a problem because of his smoking . He has told me to get out of his house. im 72 and the only place I can go is to a nurseing home but I have a 3 year old service dog that takes care of me .Im not leaving him . so now hes trying to evick me from the house and tells me just. hurry up and die i need your insurance money . Where did that love go

    1. I am so sorry for how your husband has treated you. can you go to a shelter? maybe they could help your pup too? if you can, please get out of that toxic relationship, its not good for you, 😭😭😭😭 im praying for you.

  16. Hi people, you know that goes both ways, men are the once with the worst habits. i personally have no problem with all of it except the farting to close to me, except if its an accident. I have cleaned up after my women, and children when needed. That is what love is all about even if they don’t feel comfy about it. If they are to sick to do it them self, some one has to do it. why not the one who cares the most. i been there myself, very ill, both my women and my daughter took care of me with out any question, they just did it. Just as i did to them. To turn it around I prefare that i do that s stranger, and do did my women, and opposite. I have been married several times and it was none of these things that was the reason for the break ups. The fact is, when you love someone you share it all because you trust them and they you.

  17. my wife and I have done everything in front of each other so as far as I am concerned if that’s love then I am all for it, you don’t hide any thing from each other.

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