Don’t Wait For The Day Where Someone Appreciates Her The Way That You Never Did

How could you not have seen it? How could you have been so blind? She spent so much time on getting ready that day. She went over every single detail of her appearance in the slight hopes that you would take notice; that you would show your appreciation for it. And yet, you didn’t even say a word. You didn’t even acknowledge her efforts.

How could you not have seen it? How could you have been so blind? She spent so much time on getting ready that day. She went over every single detail of her appearance in the slight hopes that you would take notice; that you would show your appreciation for it. And yet, you didn’t even say a word. You didn’t even acknowledge her efforts.

When it was your birthday, she spent hours and hours of contemplation and consultation on what her gift for you would be. She roamed countless stores and went through numerous cases of trial and error before she was confident in a gift that you would surely appreciate. But when the day of giving came, you didn’t even give it a second thought. Not even a thank you?

She was looking forward to your date this weekend. She tried to hide it the best way the she could, but it absolutely crushed her when you cancelled on her again. She hasn’t been able to spend much time with you and she’s felt you slipping away from her grasp.

She spent so much time just staring at her phone waiting for your reply. Little did she know that you had read her message already, but didn’t feel like she deserved a reply. You drove her absolutely paranoid. She thought it was her fault. She thought that you were mad at her for some reason.

You never notice how she cries herself to sleep at night constantly because she can never figure out why she’s not enough for you. She needs answers and they’re just not coming. She doesn’t know how she’s supposed to be moving forward and she feels lost. You should be there to guide her and yet, you aren’t.

She never asks you for anything. But she’s absolutely overwhelmed with joy whenever you do manage to show a speck of appreciation for her. She becomes livid and animated. She craves for those moments all the time, but they rarely come. You barely make any effort in your relationship while there she is killing herself just to make you happy.

You never notice just how great an impact you have on her, whether good or bad. You really can’t see how she’s smiling from ear to ear whenever you show her the least bit of attention. You don’t ever see the river of tears that flow whenever you break her heart. You never get to hear when she brags about you to her friends because she sees you on such a high pedestal. You take her for granted and she knows it; but she tolerates it because she thinks that you’re still worth staying around for.

She never fails you. She’s always at your side and you know that you can count on her for whatever situation. But somehow, you don’t seem to care that she can’t say the same about you. You’re practically an absent person in her life and it kills her.

She demands nothing of you, but she gives everything to you before you even have to ask. She tells you that she misses you but you just shrug it off. You tell her that she’s being a little to suffocating and needy. She tells you that she loves you, and you only reply out of obligation, not emotion.

She always texts first because you’re constantly on her mind when you’re not together. You barely ever text her unless you need something from her. She willingly obliges just to make you happy.

The both of you are heavily engrossed in the situations of today, that you’re too blind to see that your future looks completely different. Your future is one without the other. You’re not going to last.

She’s going to just get fed up one day and stand her ground. She will realize her own pathetic endurance in your relationship and she’ll say that it’s no longer worth it. She’s going to be heartbroken, but she’s going to leave you no matter how hard it is. She knows there is going to be a life out there that’s waiting for her; a life much better than the hell that you’re putting her through.

One day, she’s going to meet that one guy who will be the man that you never could be. He’s going to give her the love that you never gave her. He’s going to be the stuntman. He’s the doer, while you just watch on the sidelines. He’s going to treat her right to make up for the times where you failed.

Then you’re going to realize how much you miss her, and how she no longer thinks of you. Then you will realize how it feels to have someone think of you so little. You’ll start getting a taste of your own medicine and you won’t like what you taste.

You’re past the point of no return and you’re going to live in the perpetual zone of regrets. You should have treated her better, and now here you are.

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