Every Woman Deserves A Man Who Will Look At Her Each Day Like She’s The Most Amazing Thing He’s Ever Laid Eyes On


As a woman, you are definitely deserving of a man who treats you better than any other man out there. And not only does he treat you better than you’ve ever been treated, but he should also be able to inspire you to want to be better; to want to be the best possible version of yourself. He should be the kind of man who really hears you out; who wants to hear you endlessly blabber on about your dreams and your goals. He should be a guy who is constantly feeding you with his attention; a guy who would never grow tired of hearing you speak just because the sound of your voice is enough to brighten his days. He should be the kind of guy who really pushes you and supports you to give your absolute all in life. He should be your number one cheerleader; the guy who won’t give up on you even when you’re about to give up on yourself.

You are deserving of a man who is going to obsess over you in a healthy manner. This is a guy who is going to put so much time, attention, and energy into making you happy just because he considers your happiness to be his own as well. He is the kind of guy who is going to wake up when you call at 2am just because you’re feeling lonely and want someone to talk to. He is the kind of guy who is going to drive for 2 hours just to hang out with you for 30 minutes because he knows that it’s not about how much time you spend together, but it’s the fact that you spend time with one another at all. He should be the kind of guy who buys you flowers just because it’s a Tuesday. He should be the kind of guy who texts you the first thing he wakes up in the morning just to let you know that you are immediately on his mind before he even has to face the world. He should be the kind of guy who never tires of being around you; the kind of guy who would willingly spend all of his time with you if he could.

You deserve to be with a man who consciously chooses to be with you on a daily basis. This should be a guy who doesn’t treat you like a mere option that he can take up whenever it’s convenient for him to do so. He shouldn’t be treating you like a backup plan. This guy should see you as the real deal. He should be giving everything that he’s got into what you have together. He should be the kind of guy who is going to give you consistency and stability. This isn’t the kind of guy you’re going to have to worry about on a daily basis. He should be the kind of man who shows up every single day; a guy you can rely on to be there for you no matter how hard or inconvenient it might be for him. He should be the kind of man who you can depend on to help you walk through whatever fiery paths you need to get through in life. He should be a man who is willing to put just as much energy and sacrifice into the relationship as you are. He should be the kind of guy who makes you feel like you are the only girl in the room when he looks at you; because he has no eyes for anyone else.

As a woman, you are deserving of a man who is never going to shy away from treating you rightly. He should be a perfect gentleman; a guy who conducts himself with grace and class especially whenever he’s with you. He should always have perfect manners. He should never be doing anything to make you feel like less than you are. He should always be treating you with absolute respect. He should be the kind of guy who is always looking out for your well-being over his own because any harm that would befall you would also be a pain to his own heart.

You are deserving of a man who is going to give you the kind of love that just can’t be questioned or doubted. He should be giving you the kind of love that surpasses even that of your wildest dreams. He should be the kind of guy who makes you believe in the genuine power of being a part of something more than just yourself. He should be the kind of guy who makes it possible for you to forget about all of your imperfections because of how perfectly he treats you.

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