Expert Reveals Seven Things Men Secretly Judge About You in Bed

‘Tis the season for cozying up, and whether you’re in a committed relationship or enjoying the single life, things might be getting a bit steamy between the sheets. Ever wondered what’s on your partner’s mind during intimate moments? A sex expert spills the beans on seven things men secretly judge about you in bed – stuff they might not confess outright. Get ready for some behind-the-scenes insights into the mysteries of romance!

Top of the list for things your partner might notice, according to sex expert Tracey Cox, are what she terms as ‘your imperfections.’ These could be anything from a pesky pimple on your bum to cellulite on your thighs. Cox emphasizes that the level of concern depends on the nature of the relationship. In a casual setup, imperfections might not be a big deal, but in a new relationship where feelings are still uncertain, partners tend to scrutinize each other. However, in a committed relationship, these so-called ‘flaws’ are likely to be accepted with open arms.

She said, “It’s when a relationship is new and he’s undecided that all imperfections are not just paid attention to but scrutinized. We all make a balance sheet – conscious or unconscious – to decide whether a relationship has legs. What’s important to one, may not be to another: our partner wish lists are intensely personal.”

Next on the list is ‘how you deal with pubic hair.’ Cox points out the practical purpose of pubic hair, including temperature regulation and protection. She suggests that how you handle your pubic hair might be something your partner takes note of, whether you opt for a clean-shaven look or embrace a more natural approach.

“Having said that, we’ve been removing our pubic hair since ancient Rome times and it’s unlikely to stop anytime soon,” Tracey added.

“If you’re trimmed and tidy, I doubt anything will be said and all will be accepted. If you’re at either extreme, it might well be something that’s raised later in your relationship (and completely up to you how you respond).”

Third on Tracey Cox’s list is ‘how body-conscious you are.’ She emphasizes that feeling comfortable and happy in your own skin is a significant gift to your partner. Women who embrace their bodies tend to be more active in sexual activities, experience more orgasms, initiate sex frequently, and communicate more openly about sex.

On the flip side, being visibly uncomfortable with your body or expressing shame can be noticed by your partner. If you consistently seek darkness, cover yourself under the sheets, or react nervously when touched in specific areas, it might signal underlying body image issues.

Moving on to the fourth point, Tracey talks about ‘that signature sex move.’

“It’s great to have a signature sex move: something you know you’re great at and have been given many compliments on,” she said. “Whether he’ll admit to just how good you are depends entirely on his own sexual confidence and experience.”

Next on the list, the fifth thing men are said to judge you on in bed is ‘how active you are during sex.’ Tracey Cox points out that being sexually lazy can become unmistakably apparent in the bedroom. Active participation and enthusiasm, according to Cox, contribute to a satisfying sexual experience for both partners. It’s about engaging and showing genuine interest in the shared experience, which can significantly enhance the overall intimacy between partners.

“Most men will put up with you lying back and thinking of England for about four to five sessions, assuming it’s because you’re shy,” she continued. “Once it becomes obvious you have no intention of reciprocating anything, ever, he’s got no choice but to call you on it.”

The sixth thing on Tracey Cox’s list is ‘how aroused you are.’ She emphasizes that men do notice if a woman is lubricated during sex, as it can affect the overall experience. Cox points out that some men might misinterpret this as an insult, lacking awareness about what contributes to a woman’s natural lubrication.

She suggests that inefficient arousal techniques can be a part of the problem and may affect the perception of a man’s prowess as a lover. Being attuned to your partner’s arousal and responding accordingly is key for a more enjoyable sexual encounter.

Cox added, “Any man who has been in a long-term, loving, healthy relationship with a woman will know all of this. He’ll either discreetly use his own saliva to compensate, give you fabulous oral sex to arouse you further, or ask if you have any lube handy because he’d hate sex to feel uncomfortable for you.”

The final consideration on Tracey Cox’s list is ‘what your vagina feels like.’ She points out that comments about tightness or looseness are often subjective and can depend on the combination of the partners’ anatomy.

Cox emphasizes that men might not openly communicate such observations due to the sensitive nature of the topic. Ultimately, she suggests that, regardless of size variations, intercourse can still be a pleasurable experience for both partners.

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Source: Daily Mail

1 comment
  1. My ylady let’s me know exactly what she wants needs and desires. That’s The great thing about her, a lady in public and a demon 😈 in the bedroom…

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