It’s truly heartbreaking when people don’t have enough kindness for one another and let cruelties come into play. But sadly, our world is full of such stories where someone gets made fun of or gets their feelings hurt because one person just decided to.
Such is the story of today’s post that comes from Reddit but has since been deleted. It’s about a father who found out that his daughter made fun of a girl with Cancer & even went as far as to pull her wig. This father wasn’t having any of it and decided to teach his daughter a lesson in humility. He shaved her head to make her even remotely feel what that girl had been going through.
He shared his post on Reddit, writing:
“My ex-wife and I have a 16-year-old daughter together of which I have full custody (she has moved on with her new family)… My daughter recently got in trouble at school for making fun of a student that lost her hair from cancer treatment. Including pulling off her wig.”
“Apparently there is some pre-existing bad blood between the two of them, but I don’t think that even begins to excuse her behavior.”
“At some point the other girl mentioned how my daughter’s boyfriend was just using her for $ex (this was actually a big shock to me as I had no idea she was $exually active) and called my daughter a sl*t. That’s what escalated the situation and resulted in the wig incident. Supposedly they have been arguing in class ever since my daughter started dating the guy in question. Basically just stupid teenage ‘he said she said’ nonsense.”
He gave her two options – one was that he’d throw all her electronics away, and two was to get her head shaven.
“I will throwaway every single piece of electronics she owns and never buy her another again (this was just to coerce her into choosing option 2).”
“She will go to the hairdresser and get a cue ball haircut. As in, a completely shaved head, as bald as the hairdresser can do.”
“Everyone thinks I went way overboard. Her mother went ballistic at me saying it will make her the target of b*llying (kind of the point, teach her some compassion),”
What’s Your Take on How This Father Handled the Situation?
Do you think this father took it too far in his lesson, or did he do the right thing? What would you have done in the same situation? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
He did the right thing!
Yes he did the right thing now she will know how it feels.
B*llying has almost become a norm in Western world, leading to a whole lot of suicidal youths what a shame on our compassionless generation. The father did right.
Not hard enough! I would have done both
The father has lost his mind!! His daughter could be so upset she could possibly take her life. Surely he can come up with some other form of punishment. Not humiliate her for that long of a time!
So would you like your children to go through the same bullying in the same fashion sorry father was right plus her technology stuff would have being gone too never hurts someone who s sick karma a bitch she’s got hers and many more on theways
She’s allowed to humiliate another, then? To bully a cancer patient who has no -choice- but to lose her hair to chemo?
So could the little girl she bullied because she was fighting her own battles.. like cancer. Shaving his daughters head is better than anything compared to what that other little girl is going through.
The father is my hero
Did you think about that because here’s my thought do you really think she was going to take her life when she chose losing her hair over losing her electronics if she was planning on losing her life or taking her life she wouldn’t need her electronics and she would’ve chosen them instead
Ummm tf u r talking abt the father did the right thing. Drink ur own medicine don’t they say ?? Now the daughter will now how the other girl felt
wow… she deserves a safe space and a hug because dad held her accountable……You are what’s wrong with society. If you don’t want to pay don’t play …FAFO
The point of the punishment is to show her how it feels when you bully someone for something the have no control over. Her own fault if she failed the test of basic human decency to not bully someone with cancer. And this, while being the best punishment, is nothing compared what the girl getting bullied had to go through fighting cancer.
some times tough love opens people’s minds
No, I don’t think that action was excessive, rather it was absolutely appropriate. By 16 years old teens have the ability to make decisions, ‘life is about choices’. This lesson may go further when her peers see her.
Interesting isn’t it! How far a parent will go to teach their child a lesson. Personally I think he went too far. What would I have done? Hard to answer that one. Talk about it. Apologise for starters. (Both girls need to.) Everyone calm down and think this through. Is the hospital nearby? Volunteer to work in a children’s ward with children that have cancer for two weeks. It is really hard to turn this into a positive but still a punishment.
2 weeks is not enough because they suffer a lot they need to be there when they vomiting when can’t go to toilets on time when they frustrate when they can’t eat all the rest of it then come and tell me how the father out of hand
Saying sorry is just a bandaid for the real underline issue. The father was correct. Yes the daughter is feeling ashamed even humiliated. But she will think next time she wants to humiliate someone else.
This Father is right on the money 100%.
I think it was the perfect punishment! It was to- the- point! And something the young lady will remember next time she tries to bully another!
he did the right thing i am against bulling n no one knows what tomorrow may brings we should be kind to each other after anyone can get sick from cancer or any other sickness for that matter
you made her walk another mile in someone else’s shoes and held her accountable for her inexcusable behavior – every one should learn there are CONSEQUENCES for their actions – BRAVO
For those saying he went too far – he gave her a CHOICE – and SHE chose to have her head shaved. Read the damn story! She could have chosen to throw away her electronics… 16 and HER CHOICE!
He literally admitted to setting up the choices so that he could coerce her and force her into making the choice that he wanted. she’s not making a choice if he’s coercing her into doing something.
Definitely did the right thing.
He gave her a choice, lose electronics or had a head shaved!
I wouldn’t have had the guts to shave my daughters head but well done to him.
Bravo to this father!!!
Well, I would have never even thought to do that. With that said Kusos to the dad for giving her the option to choose. I’m with the dad on this.
Great Job Dad Kids need to learn there are consequences for actions
Great for dad!
Good job daddy! We need more like you. I would have done the same thing.
He didn’t force shave her head out of anger. He did talk with her and gave her options. I do also agree with other comments of going to a cancer center and being around it and learning that way. Hair can grow back for this lady but can make child to negatively learn. No situation is the same or perfect no one should ever judge parenting. I learn from every story I read.and try to keep a positive mind!
So let’s look at some of what was said.
1. You have a teenage daughter who basically has been rejected by her mother who is focused on her “new family”. Or is that what he is TELLING his daughter or making her feel that way? They are obviously still in contact if the mom called the dad.
2. Daughter is sexually active and that’s a shock to father – is he completely clueless? Just not that involved either?
3. He’s willing to dismiss bad behavior as “stupid teenage” stuff that led up to this behavior.
Sounds to me it’s more than likely the father hasn’t TAUGHT the daughter compassion or empathy. Kids learn from watching the adults around them. I’m so sick of seeing adults act like complete bullies and jerks to others then are SHOCKED when their kids do something like this. He shouldn’t have given her a choice in punishment. He should have sold every last one of her electronic devices and then had her make a donation to cancer research in that girls name. Then he should have driven them both over to that girls house and apologized to both the girl and her parents. THEN he should have made her volunteer at some sort of non-profit for those less fortunate than she. What did she learn from getting her head shaved? I’m sure she went out and got a wig that same day. All she learned was that she hates her father.
Nothing wrong with showing someone how to be a kind human through first hand experience. There’s not enough punishment or consequences. I hear a lot of pandering and excuses.
I’m kind of torn. On the surface, this sounds like justice. However, the 16 y/o wasn’t being a bully by teasing the child for having cancer. It sounds like the other girl was bullying her. The child with cancer caller the girl a slut and was continually harassing the 16 y/o about her boyfriend. Would the dad have shaved his daughters head if he pulled a school yard bully’s hair? I think the title of the article is misleading. I think the dad overreacted and ruined any trust that may have been there between him and his daughter. I don’t think the consequence fostered good will or taught his daughter a lesson. She likely feels like a victim, resents her dad, and blames her bully. No one won here in my opinion.
Good on you Dad. Now she’ll see what its like and hopefully never bully someone again especially someone who is sick
She was literally reacting to someone bullying her and calling her names, why is it you don’t seem to think the cancer patient girl shouldn’t have insulted the daughter first? So bullying towards non cancer patients is just okay?
The father did the right thing! He gave her two options and she chose….
Good parenting for sure!
The father did the right thing. She will think twice before doing it again
I teach school. Fixing behaviors like bullying starts at home. Go Dad!!!
This is the one time that I agree with a parent shaving their kid’s head!! It truly fits the crime!!! In general, People are quick to make fun of others without knowing their situation. Before you make others become the butt of your joke, think how you would feel being in their shoes.
I would have done the same thing. Don’t do things or say things to people that you wouldn’t want said/done to you! Good job Dad.
I would have done the same thing. These kids nowadays has no compassion.
Father did the right thing.
Why give her the option to choose. Make the daughter part with something that is important to her and give it to the girl she bullied, then take her down to the hair dressers so she can head shaved with no stubble at all like it is in the picture.
I don’t think he went to far I think it will teach her a lesson I would have done the same
when you act bad there is a way to get it back to you
I agree. Nio it in the bud. No excuse for something like that! I believe in tough love!
Did the right thing
I think the father did the absolute correct thing. A 16yo has the capacity to know right from wrong. Just because the girls had been feuding, doesn’t give her the right to pull off her wig and make fun of someone with a bald head. No child ask to have cancer. They are already dealing with enough complications in life without some teenager creating more stress for her. Stress isn’t good on the body and especially one who is fighting what is most of the time, incurable. Go dad.
To me its old school stuff. But she shouldn’t have done it to begin with. Hopefully she’ll be smarter in the future.
He did the right thing to show his daughter anyone could be going through something & how they are feeling & to get bullied for it was just devastating. Let her now see how it feels & dad taught daughter a very valuable lesson to life. Way to go dad. I would of done the same thing
Good for dad… people are not teaching their kids consequences to their actions… and a little bit of humiliation will not only teach her to think twice before doing something like that again, but it may also keeps the boys away for a little longer! Hahaha
As a mother to a teenage daughter, in either situation it’s difficult. Being spiteful about who she is dating or being active with is irrelevant. The loss of her hair and humiliating her for fighting for her life¿? He was absolutely just in his actions. Hats off to this father teaching her humility, compassion and repercussions of actions.
No he’s showing his daughter what it’s like also fantastic to see a parent that isn’t wrapping their kid up on cotton wool some parents just side with their own making them worse
The correct choice of action- bullying is not acceptable in any circumstance-
He did the right thing. Gave her a choice and she chose. If you can’t do the time, then don’t do the crime.
I feel he did the right thing. You should never make fun of anyone rather it’s a Girl or Boy with no hair. Rather it’s a child or Grown women or a Man. She should better at her age. Bullying is Terrible these days. I’m behind you Dad all the way. I still would take her phone, TV away from her. But I feel someway or another. She will make fun of what she looks like. Like it’s no big deal. She doesn’t know how it feels like to have Cancer. You can’t eat, you feel sick, your tried. Then you start to feel good again. And then here comes Chemo again. Back to feeling like crap. So really your Daughter don’t know how it feels, what you have to go though. People can stair at her. She can say I made fun of someone with Cancer. But she will never never very feel what the person who has Cancer. Knows what it is like. I know because I had Cancer. My Heart goes out to the young girl with it.
Change doesn’t happen without pain, and compassion doesn’t come without understanding. I think this is a good combination of both. They shaved our heads in basic training, and we were fine. While her hair grows back, she can suffer the slings of bullying to see what it feels like. I approve.
I’m with dad on this one.let the “punishment fit the crime”,bet she will remember it. And think twice next time, I hope the girl that has cancer is ok .
If he had immediately forced her to shave her head I would have thought it a bit extreme, but he was a genius in giving her the options between her electronics and shaving her head.
She might feel humiliated for a limited time, but she honestly brought it upon herself, and the hair will grow out fast enough. She is nearly an adult and it is important that she is taught this lesson hard enough to remember, before she becomes an adult and he cant really do anything anymore (unless she lives at home.)
Someone with such attitude to do this bullying to a sick person will not commit suicide for being punished. It is complete opposite of mentalities. Someone who is as sensitive that suicide could be a possibility will not have this much “backbone” as described in these incidents.
This coming from someone with lifelong depression and several suicide attempts behind me, and who knows several others in same and similar situations.
Take girl to a cancer hospital see what they go through and make hur work their free get to know how it fills not cut hair
I know he did the right thing; good job dad your not just a father your a dad…. And it takes a man to become a dad and take the hard right over the easy wrong….