Four Young Girls Who Beat Cancer Together Reunite at The Same Hospital

Image via Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital on Facebook

Today’s heartwarming story is from 2018, but it’s so incredible that it has to be shared. It’s about four little girls who battled one of the most challenging battles of life – the battle against cancer. This story comes from St. Petersburg, Florida, USA.

These four little girls met each other for cancer treatment and had a photo taken together. After toughing it out and beating cancer, they reunited two years later at the same hospital and had another photoshoot, this time; it was to celebrate their victory!

Little Girls, Big Hopes

Lauren, Chloe, Ava & McKinley are the little heroes of this story. The four initially met at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital to begin their cancer treatments at such a young and fragile age. But being the heroes they are, they beat the dangerous disease and smiled through their treatment.

Ava’s Mom, Alyssa Luciano, spoke to Fox13 News about their incredibly tough journey and the differences between the first photo and the ones they took after their treatment:

“They were all on active treatment the first time we did this,”

” It’s amazing to see how far they’ve come from being bald little babies.”

Lauren’s mom, Shawna, also spoke of how amazing it felt to be able to see these girls be so strong together:

“This is our third year. They have just come so far, all of them,”

“She’s 3 years old and doesn’t have any hair, but all of her friends in the hospital look the same way so it kind of gave her some normalcy,”

McKinleys’ mom, Karen, talked about how relieving and helpful it was even for the parents to have each other’s support and love:

“Just having other moms to relate to has been phenomenal. Just to have other people going through it at the same time as us,”

Share Your Thoughts

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