Gay Couple Found Baby Boy Left Alone on a Subway, Adopted Him & Brought Happiness into His Life

Images via Pete Mercurio on Instagram

This beautiful story comes from New York, USA. It’s about a gay couple who found a baby boy on the subway – now, 20 years later, he’s their happy son.

The Story – A Baby Boy, Left Alone, Finds His Forever Home

This story is about Danny Stewart & Pete Mercurio. On August 28, 2000, Danny was rushing towards the subway to meet his partner, Pete, when he suddenly saw what he initially thought was a baby doll.

Thinking why anyone would leave a baby at a subway, Danny continued to go towards the exit. But that’s when he had a thought – he told BBC about it:

“I glanced back one more time, and that’s when I noticed his legs moved,”

As soon as he saw the tiny legs move, he ran back towards him and saw that he was, in fact, a baby boy left alone on the subway. He told BBC:

“He didn’t have any clothes on, he was just wrapped up in this sweatshirt. His umbilical cord was still partially intact, so I could tell he was a newborn. I was thinking maybe a day or so old,”

Danny told BBC how surprising and unimaginable it was to find a baby boy all alone, wrapped in a sweatshirt, in a place where there’s always a huge footfall of people, but no one paid attention to him.

“He did look up and I stroked his head and then he whimpered a little bit. It seemed really unreal, the whole situation, and at that point, I was trying to alert people to what was happening, but I couldn’t get anybody’s attention.”

To find help for the baby boy, he quickly ran back up the stairs to call the police through a payphone (this is in the 2000s, and smartphones weren’t common back then.) After calling the police, he rushed back to the baby to ensure he was safe until help arrived. He told BBC:

“I’m sure it was just a few minutes, but time was standing still as my heart was racing,”

After waiting a few minutes, help finally came, and the police took the baby boy. Pete finally caught up with David as the baby was being taken away; both of them bid farewell to the baby boy.

But this wouldn’t be the last time Danny would see the baby – as fate would have it, they’d meet again, and this baby would become a huge part of their lives.

A few months later, David received a call from Administration for Children’s Services to attend a court hearing to speak about how he found the baby boy. In December 2000, the court hearing took place, and the judge asked David a crucial question. David told BBC:

“And then the next thing out of her mouth was, ‘Would you be interested in adopting this baby?'”

“I think most of the mouths dropped in the courtroom, including mine. I said, ‘Yes, but I don’t think it’s that easy,’ and the judge smiled and she said, ‘Well, it can be.'”

“I had not had thoughts of adopting,”

“but at the same time, I could not stop thinking that… I did feel connected, I felt like this was not even an opportunity, it was a gift, and how can you say no to this gift.”

They didn’t make any decisions back then. But things changed when they went to see the baby at his foster care system – that’s when Pete held the baby and felt something incredible. Pete told BBC:

“The baby squeezed my finger with his entire hand so hard,”

“He was just staring up at me and I was just looking at him, and it was almost like he found a pressure point in my finger that just opened up my heart to my head and showed me in that moment that I could be one of his parents, one of his dads.”

December 17th, 2002, was the magical day they finally adopted the baby boy & named him Kevin. Now, 20 years later, Kevin is a college student who lives a happy life. Talking about Kevin, Pete told BBC:

“I can’t imagine my life if it didn’t turn out this way. My life has become much more enriched and full. It has changed my world view, my perspective, my whole lens.”

Share Your Thoughts

What are your thoughts on this beautiful story? Talk to me in the comments below.



Images & Featured Image Pete Mercurio on Instagram

  1. What amazing fathers! They did an amazing act and got to feel that amazing bond between parent and child. What a blessing they have all been to each other 💜.

  2. What an absolutely wonderful story! God bless you both for adopting the baby, and for raising him, guiding him and loving him into being a man! Wonderful!

  3. I entered the wrong name for this comment. My name is SHARON MARQUEZ. PLEASE remove Santana Perez. That is my great grandson and he’s only 8 years old!

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