A GoFundMe fundraiser, which sought to help Amber Heard repay Johnny Depp some of the money she owed him after their defamation trial, was shut down.

An op-ed written by Heard described herself as a victim of abu$e resulting in a Virginia jury determining this week Depp deserves more than $10 million (£8million) in damages.

She owes her ex-husband $8.35m (£6.68m) in damages for comments made by Depp’s former attorney. GoFundMe set up a fundraiser titled ‘Justice for Amber Heard’ in response to the result.
This GoFundMe page said it wanted to ‘help’ Heard and said that money raised would go directly to the Aquaman actor.

As stated on the page: “I believe Amber and social media protected the abu$er. The judgment exceeds her net worth. It’s so sad that he was able to get away with the abu$e. The judgment furthers that abu$e. If you can please help her. She will have direct access to the money. I also contacted her attorney so they can loop her in.”
According to GoFundMe, Heard had not initiated the fundraiser, which has been active.
The fundraising site told TMZ they were able to flag the profile before a significant amount was raised. The platform plans to continue looking for fake pages and take necessary action.
Earlier this week, Heard released her first statement since a jury found her guilty of defaming her ex-husband Johnny Depp.
According to the actress, 36, the verdict is a “setback” for women who #MeToo has impacted.
The infamous trial of the century has finally reached a conclusion today after going on for about two months. In recent celebrity history, no trial has come close to being as notorious as this one – a trial of the exes. Everyone from all over the world has been watching, reacting, covering, and speaking up about the trial.
Share your thoughts:
Can you imagine Amber Heard creating that GoFundMe page to release the payments to Johnny Depp? Tell us what you think in the comments below:
Source: GoFundMe.Com
I think if Amber did that she is making the situation worse. She shouldn’t get any help to pay this as she is a narccisitic person and she needs to pay for what she did to this man. Domestic violence against men should not be taken lightly. Let her learn a lesson from this. This is not a setback for women it is a gain finally for abused men.
I agree! Did everyone not hear the recordings of her abusing him? Of her cutting off his finger in a fit? I do t understand how just because she is a woman she is the abused one … The one #metoo is about! Me too should be about violence period. Whether man or woman! I work in the social service field and there are alot of abused men out there living with narcisistic women. Mental and verbal abuse leaves deep scars that take alot longer to heal than bruises. It beats you down is a worse way.
Amber you are guilty of domestic violence. The only setback for women’s rights is that you made a mockery of the women who really are abused.
Sad alright sad when the abuser is her playing the victim I’m a survivor of dv she is a narcissist and a liar and a nobody that beat and used a good man
AH can sell off some of her possessions to pay JD there is ppl out there that need lots of help with money she is not one of them. She living in luxury already. Stop this foolishness AH. Wow go fund me for AH what a joke. 😡😠
People are out here really donating? She will squander that money too. No one protected the abuser she is finally out and we see her for her true colors. Women are the worst in all these. More so the ones who hate men: well not today bitches today the victim is, was JD and y’all can suck on his dick 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷🏻♀️
She needs to go away. She was the abuser and it proved it. Pay up u got money he gave u so stop begging and just go be a normal person cause ur work days in Hollywood r prob over now that u proved ur a liar. Bye
Amber is a set back for “Me To”
Her awful acting n lies on stand hurt all women that ARE
Suffering DV.
I believe amber believes she was abused! She is being so blind to the fact that she was and still is the abuser!
There are humans out there that think watching another human beat up their own house is abuse! When in fact its not abuse towards another human, its them being strong enough to not knock the other human in front of them out dead on the floor! Its them trying to self control to not take their anger out on someone they love, its them boiling inside from what they are going thru and trying to not hurt another human!
It is not abuse on amber or another human as she was standing there nagging and pushing and antagonizing johnny! That in itself is abuse and many women dont see that!
If women did not nagg men antagonize theur men push their men into being angry there would be ALOT LESS FALSE DOMESTIC ABUSE CHARGES IN THIS WORLD TODAY!!!!
Iam a woman and I see so many women MOTHER their spouses instead of being their equal they boss them around and their spouse hate it but to tell their women they hate it! Or many do and after months or years they explode.
If you let her do this it will be travesty 🤬
I would definitely pay money to the go fund me account! I think Amber heard was definitely not heard! And it’s only because Johnny Depp was the plaintive. If it had been any other man in this country she would’ve won !!! The whole world should be ashamed of itself in the way they treated her! Johnny Depp is a disgusting vile emotionally verbally and physically abusive person! Even though he wasn’t towards his past relationships does not mean that when he started abusing and using drugs and alcohol so badly he did not become one because I can tell you he did! Does verdant was ridiculous the freaking trial is a circus and disgusting! She deserves every penny of that money and he deserves none of it!
So you know him personally huh??? Liar.
Learn to spell
Amber? Girl.. go take care of your child!! You lied.. and got caught…
Says YOu! Fact or Opinion you remarks on JD?! AH was full
Of bullshit, don’t you think?’No one likes her for it!
Hahahah you need help more than she does if you believe any word that came out of her mouth. She can’t even cry. If she was abused she would have been bawling her eyes out and not wanted to look at Johnny Depp. I’m not even a fan of him, never watched his movies and I can see now why she never made more roles because she is a horrible actor. She got exactly what she deserves and frankly I think she should be in jail for lying under oath.
The comments you just made about Johnny Depp are defamatory, consider the same charges were just shot down in the judicial system. Maybe you will end up being sued as Amber Heard was. Maybe someone will turn you in. MAYBE, you should just learn to shut your ignorant mouth.
Anyone that deliberately does a bowel action in someone’s is absolutely filthy and sick in their head.How could anyone have any respect at all for anyone who does that.She is not only a narsastic liar..she is a filthy one.Domeone should send her some nappy pants and toilet train her..Johnny is well rid of her..Best of luck Johnny
You obviously watched NONE of the trial!!!
I find this disgraceful. That woman has property in the South Carolina Desert plus properties from her divorce settlement. Let her sell those and move into an apartment affordable to her earnings, or none earnings.
She will take money from whatever source she can. Be that Elon Musk or James Franco or Go Fund Me.
If any money has been pledged to her, will that be returned or given to charity ? I hope she doesn’t get it.
M Harrison
This is an absolute disgrace! She is clearly not mentally sane, if she thinks that she deserves financial assistance from the public. There are millions of individuals out there who are struggling with medical bills and housing issues. She has assets. She surly has cash stashed away in some off shore account, and she has very wealthy, influential friends who could help her. This just goes to show how utterly selfish this person is.
Sell what u have and pay up u 💩 head abuser.you lie so much the world sees it and now u want help lol pls.ur getting ur karma.
U need mental help. Give ur daughter to ur sister u are not fit to be her mother. Ur lawyers suck and Elaine still fighting for u going for her 15 mins of fame when she kept questioning the tmz guy lol wow after this she won’t have a job nobody will go to her for help she’s such a bad lawyer I could do a better job your team sucks hard, where did u buy them at the dollar store broken…
First off it’s over and she don’t need a fundraiser to help pay anybody if she got her own money fundraiser are for people who actually been though it not for people who look up stories and make it into their own