Greta Thunberg Sues Sweden for Failing on Climate

Greta Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist who is known for challenging world leaders to take immediate steps for climate change mitigation.

Her activism began when she convinced her parents to adopt lifestyle choices that reduced their own carbon footprint.

On Friday, November 25, Greta marched along with hundreds of other Swedish activists to a court to file a lawsuit against the state for not taking enough measures to control Climate Change.

“Hundreds of activists, among them Greta Thunberg, marched through the Swedish capital to a court Friday to file a lawsuit against the Swedish state for what they say is insufficient climate action,” NBC News reported.

“More than 600 young people under the age of 26 signed the 87-page document that is the basis for the lawsuit which was filed in the Stockholm District Court.”

The same lawsuit has also been filed electronically to another court with pending legal action.

“There has never been such a large-scale case in the Swedish legal system. Sweden is pursuing a climate policy the research is very clear will contribute to a climate disaster in the future,” according to Ida Edling, a member of the organization behind the lawsuit, Aurora.

According to Anton Foley, a spokesman for Aurora, “Sweden has never treated the climate crisis like a crisis. Sweden is failing in its responsibility and breaking the law.”

Meanwhile, Greta Thunberg’s Twitter update said, “Today on Black Friday is the perfect day to sue the state over its insufficient climate policies. So that’s what we did.

“See you in court!”

The outrage occurred after scientists and environmentalists warned that there are bleak chances of reducing future global warming to 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit.

Recently a climate conference took place in Egypt, which many prominent leaders of the world attended. “Leaders tried to keep that goal alive but did not ratchet up calls for reducing carbon emissions,” wrote NBC.

In 2017, the Swedish parliament vowed to reduce net carbon emissions to zero percent by 2045. They also claimed that the country would have up to 100% renewable energy by that time.

But until now, no progress has been made to achieve that goal.

The lawsuit came after the 19-year-old environmentalist lashed out at Western countries’ obsession with capitalism.

In a sit-down chat in London’s Royal Festival Hall during the promotion of her new book The Climate Book, the climate activist said,

“We are never going back to normal again because ‘normal’ was already a crisis. What we refer to as normal is an extreme system built on the exploitation of people and the planet.”

“It is a system defined by colonialism, imperialism, oppression, and genocide by the so-called global North to accumulate wealth that still shapes our current world order.”

“We are still here and not planning on going anywhere,” she continued. “Young people all over the world are stepping up, showing that our leaders messed with the wrong generation.”

While answering a question during the same event, she said, “We need to change everything because right now, our current system is on a collision course with the future of humanity and the future of our civilization.”

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Sources: NBC NewsTwitter

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