Heartbreaking Video Shows Doctors in Dnipro, Ukraine, Moving Newborns to a Shelter

Source: Dr. Denis Surkov / The Guardian

As tensions continue to escalate in Ukraine and people are forced to flee – hospitals and doctors are still taking care of their patients inside Ukraine. Dnipro is a city in Eastern Ukraine and is home to Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Children’s Clinical Hospital. It had a NICU for newborns in need of intensive medical care.

The doctors and staff of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Children’s Clinical Hospital had to take all newborns from the hospital and move them to a shelter – making a small NICU inside the shelter. These doctors are genuinely lifesavers and won’t give up on these innocent newborns regardless of the situation in Ukraine.

Dr. Denis Surkov, 51 years old, is chief of the neonatal unit at the Children’s Hospital; she sent a video to The New York Times via WhatsApp explaining how dire the situation is:

“This is the NICU. In a bomb shelter. Can you imagine?”

“This is our reality.”

“We were nervous, very confused,”

The gut-wrenching video shows newborns in a makeshift NICU being cared for by doctors and hospital staff. Making do with whatever they have at the moment, they’re trying their best to take care of these newborns amidst a very stressful situation.

Our hearts go out to these lifesavers for doing their best and helping humanity regardless of the massive hurdles they’re facing.

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The New York Times

The Guardian

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