I Don’t Regret Loving You, I Regret Not Loving Myself In The Process

I am not going to deny that I fell in love with you because I did. I’m not going to perjure myself by saying that you didn’t have a hold on my heart because you did. I’m not going to say that I wasn’t so passionate about you because I really was. In fact, our romance was probably the most passionate one that I have ever been with.

You just totally captivated me with your charm and I was smitten almost instantaneously. You were so wonderfully amazing in my eyes and I didn’t want to be with anyone else. I didn’t want to be in any other position. I only I had known then that I was only blinding myself to the things that I should have been seeing.

If only I had realized how foolish I was acting when I was with you. If only I had known that you would eventually be the cause of so much of my heartache and disappointment.

I don’t really have all too many regrets about getting in a relationship with you. I don’t really regret falling in love with you the way that I did. I don’t regret the two of us getting together at all.

But there’s definitely one thing that I wish I could change about that entire experience. I wish I could have loved myself more. I wish that I didn’t allow myself to love you too much to the point that I stopped loving myself in the process. I just regret failing to give myself the love that I deserved.

It wasn’t a mistake for me to find you and fall in love with you. It wasn’t a mistake for me to meet you and for the two of us to get together. In all honesty, I am so glad that our paths crossed.

I am so happy that I had the opportunity to meet you. In spite of how things turned out between the two of us, I still hold on to the many happy memories that we shared. Our relationship was far from being ideal. But it wasn’t all bad. I am confident that the universe has a plan for the two of us.

And I know that you walked into my life for a very specific reason. I know that there is a purpose for which you and I crossed paths. And that’s why I don’t really consider meeting you to be a mistake.

However, I do consider it a mistake that I allowed you to so easily change me. I used to always take care of myself. I always made sure that I was having all of my needs and expectations met. But when I got into a relationship with you, all sense of self-care and self-love flew right out of the window.

Being in a relationship with you triggered something in me that I should have tried to suppress. I gave all of my love to you and I left none for myself. I allowed myself to get consumed by the love that I had for you. In my eyes, you were the single most amazing person that I had ever encountered in this life.

And because of that, I just chose to let myself get carried away with my love for you. I ended up centering my entire world around yours all because of the sparks that I felt when we first got together.

Choosing to be in a relationship with you wasn’t a mistake. I always followed my heart when it came to you and I don’t really regret that. When I believed in the bottom of my heart that you were the one I was destined to spend the rest of my life with, I did so unashamedly. I trusted my gut. I listened to my instincts.

And I’m never going to apologize for doing so. Yes, it turns out that my instincts were wrong at the time. But I don’t regret the many things I learned because of the choices that I made in the past.

I now know that there was one aspect of our experience together that I should have done better. Of course, I chose to be with you. I chose you to be the person I would spend the rest of my days with.

But that’s not all I chose to do. I actually chose you over myself. Instead of taking some time and energy to make sure that my needs were being met, I just focused entirely on you.

Instead of taking the time to think about what I needed in life, I was always just thinking about what I could do better to serve you. And frankly, that’s the only thing that I regret about us getting together.

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