I’ll admit it. I haven’t been particularly successful in the field of love and relationships. I have had my fair share of romances gone sour. I know just about all there is to know about modern dating. I know about the many upsides of it and I am very much familiar with the downsides as well. And this is my honest take on dating as a whole.
I am so sick of immaturity. I am so sick of being with someone who only knows how to play those childish games. I am so sick of being with people who only know how to treat love like it’s some kind of game or competition. I’m not about that. I don’t want any of that in my life.
There are just some people out there who would do whatever it takes to grab my attention. These guys pursue me and chase after me. They get my hopes up because they show that they’re actually willing to put in the effort. They do just enough to convince me that maybe it’s okay for me to let them in. They convince me to give them a chance.
And right when they have me hooked, that’s when they decide to bail. When they know that they have me, that’s when they stop putting in the effort. I’m so sick of being chased after by men who only want to lock me down and not want to have anything to do with me after that.
I had the feeling of being led on. I had the feeling of being deceived. I hate the feeling of knowing that I was just used as someone’s plaything. But most of all, I hate the feeling of abandonment in a relationship that I am so deeply invested in.
I have been caught in so many “honeymoon phases” and I’m so sick of them all. I’m not just looking for a phase anymore at this point. I want the real thing. I want something that I can really sink my teeth into. I want a relationship that is going to last for the ages.
I’m not looking to be any guy’s trophy. I’m not looking to be any guy’s prize. I am not some gold medal that some man can just wear around to brag to their friends about. I am a human being. I am an emotional creature. I have feelings, dreams, hopes, and aspirations. I have love. And I want to be able to give that love to someone who is actually deserving of it.
I don’t want to end up being in a long-term relationship that isn’t going to help me grow. I don’t want to be latching myself onto someone who isn’t going to bring the best out of me. I don’t want to end up being attached to someone who is only going to end up taking me for granted.
I want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t stop the pursuit. I want to be with someone who doesn’t tire of the effort. I want to be with someone who understands that it’s unacceptable to take someone like me for granted. I want to be with the guy who is still going to pursue me with everything that he has even when he knows that I’m already so in love with him.
Because that is what I think love is. It’s not something that you just achieve once and never work on again. It’s something that you must always be feeding and working for. Love is something that you must always be honing and developing. Love is something that you always need to be fighting for. And I need to be with a guy who understands that.
I need to be with someone who doesn’t shy away from making me feel wanted. I want to be with a guy who isn’t afraid of allowing himself to become vulnerable to me. I want to be with a guy who doesn’t hesitate when it comes to opening his heart and soul up to me. I want to be with a guy who never stops working at our relationship.
Because that’s the only way I am ever going to know that love is for real. That’s the only way I am ever going to feel safe and secure being in a relationship with someone else. That’s the only real way I know how to make love work. That’s why I won’t settle for being with someone who doesn’t put in the work with me.
I know that love isn’t easy. I know that love isn’t simple. I know that love isn’t something that I’m already entitled to right away. I know that I have to work for my happy ever after. I just want to make sure that you know it too.