I Don’t Just Want You To Be My Lover; I Want You To Be My Best Friend

The idea of falling in love is so enchanting. It’s so magical. We all see how other people just light up whenever they talk about their love life – and we act happy for them even though deep down inside, we secretly wish for the same kind of experience. We also want to find love for ourselves. We want to be able to experience the charm and magic that comes with finding a lover. And I’m guilty of that. I am entranced by the idea of finding a lover; someone I can unload all of my passions to. I want someone I can kiss and go on really intimate dates with. I want someone who is going to hold my hand whenever I get scared.

I want someone who is always going to walk by my side. I want someone I can devote all my love and affection to; someone who is going to take my heart and make sure that it stays protected. I want someone who I’m going to be able to envision spending the rest of my life with. And I want that person to be you. But I know that finding a lover can be a very scary and vulnerable ordeal. There is just so much pressure riding on being able to find a suitable mate; someone I can really sink my teeth into. There are many things that I have to take into consideration and it can all be very intimidating. It can all be very overwhelming.

Society dictates that I need to find a lover who is physically attractive; someone who is considered to be eye candy. They say that I need to find someone who is really sexy; someone I wouldn’t have trouble getting aroused with. They say that I need to find the person of my dreams; the one who is going to make all of my fairytale fantasies come true. They say I need to find someone who is going to be perfect for me. But I know the truth. I’m never going to find this person. Do you know why? Because perfection doesn’t exist in this life. It’s downright impossible to find someone who isn’t going to come with his fair share of flaws and imperfections.

I know that any guy I meet is going to screw up at some point. And I’ve learned to accept that fact. So I’m not really interested in looking for a perfect lover. I’ve given up on that search. What I really want and need in life is a real best friend. And that’s what I want you to be. That’s who I need you to be for me. I want to be around someone who I can just be silly with; someone I don’t have to put up an act for. I want to be with someone who wouldn’t judge me for how I look in the mornings before I get all dolled up. I want to be with someone who is going to see the beauty in my soul; and not just in how I look.

I want to have someone who I can share a million laughs with; someone who is always going to find a way to make me giggle even when I’m not in the mood to smile. I want a best friend who is going to stay up really late at night just to listen to me ramble on about my stupid dreams. I want a real best friend who is going to go on crazy adventures with me; someone who is going to hold my hand as I venture into the unknown. I want someone who I can just get drunk with without having to worry about being taken advantage of. I want someone who I can wake up in the mornings with; someone who can bring a smile to my face just by being around me.

I want to find a best friend who is going to give me a safe space to express myself; someone who is never going to hold what I say against me. I need someone who is always going to listen to whatever I have to say with great intent; someone who is going to take a genuine interest in my thoughts and musings. I need to find someone who I can really trust with my most intimate feelings and beliefs. I need a best friend who is going to make me feel like family; someone who makes me feel like I’m at home whenever we’re together.

I need a best friend who is going to see me for who I really am; with all the bad parts included. And I need this person to love me the same. I need a best friend who I can look forward to spending the rest of my life with.

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