If He Expects You To Be An Angel In His Life, He Must First Create A Heaven For You

If a man wants you to be the Angel of his life, but he must do whatever he can to create heaven on earth for you. You have to make sure that you are with a man who loves you for who you are; a man who loves you the way that you deserve to be loved – unconditionally and wholeheartedly. You need to find a man who will love you so hard that you feel free and liberated to be your true self. You should be a man who loves you so hard that he breaks down all of the walls that you put up for yourself; the walls that have been trapping you for so long now. You need to find a man who loves you so hard team makes you believe that you are capable of doing anything in this life because you are deserving of the best thing that the world has to offer.

If a man expects you to treat him like a King, then he must be ready to treat you like a queen in return. He has to look at you straight in the eyes with awe and wonder. Whenever he looks at you, he has to make you feel like you are the only girl in the world was ever worth looking at. He has to be able to give you butterflies magic in your life. He has to be a man who loves you and adores you it’s all the ends of the earth. He has to be the kind of guy who completely obliterates all of your deepest fears and your insecurities. He has to be the kind of guy who makes you want to wake up every morning with a smile on your face, ready to take on the world. If he expects you to treat him like royalty, then he has to give you a life that is worthy of a fairytale narrative. He has to be willing to take care of you especially at the moment where you are incapable of taking care of yourself. He has to be willing to listen to you whenever you feel like getting something off your chest. He has to be willing to adore you with every fiber of his being. He has to love you with boundless energy – the kind that pushes you and motivates you to actually live your best life.

He wants you to treat him like a respectable figure, then he has to be able to respect you in return. He has to be accepting of the fact that you are who you are and that he is not entitled to change your essence. He has to show a healthy tolerance for the many differences that the 2 of you might have. He has to accept the fact that you have your share of principles, values, and treats that you are unwilling to compromise or give up. He has to acknowledge the fact that you have your own personal needs and expectations. And that he has the responsibility of doing whatever he can to meet those needs and expectations. He must take it upon himself to never disappoint you. He must love you and the entirety of you. He can’t just be so willing to pick and choose the parts of you to love. He must love you for who you really are and not just the person he wants you to be; the person he thinks you could be.

And lastly, if he expects you to commit to him and him alone, then he has to prove to you that he’s willing to give the same kind of commitment to you and the relationship. He has to show the willingness to work hard for your love. You must have the temperament as a couple to actually deal with each other’s differences. He must exhibit the kind of maturity that is worthy of your attention and care. He must be the kind of man who shows you the consistency that you need to feel safe and secure in his love. He must be the man that you feel at home with whenever you are together. He should be the kind of man who holds on to your hand when you are trembling; a man who picks you back up whenever you stumble.

At the end of the day, you just want a man who shows a willingness to earn your trust and companionship. You want a man who is never going to take you for granted. You want a man who never grows complacent. You want a man who is ALWAYS going to prioritize you. You must be with a man who is willing to do whatever it takes to make you feel like you are safe in his arms.

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