If He’s The Right Guy For You, Then He Wouldn’t Be Afraid Of These 8 Things

It’s never an easy thing trying to find the perfect guy for you. There are just so many terrible and horrific people in the world right now who would be so willing to prey on your gullibility and your vulnerability. And as difficult as it might be, you always have to allow yourself to become vulnerable in love. You just have to trust that the guy that you’re with isn’t going to take advantage of the vulnerability that you show them. You just have to make sure that you look for that one person who would cherish and adore you the way that you deserve.

There might be certain aspects of your life that you wouldn’t want to be broadcasting to most people that you know. Of course, there are very specific facets of your life that you want to be kept private or intimate because you know it would potentially scare people away. You don’t want the people in your life to misunderstand who you are or what you’re about. This is what it means to be keeping your guard up. However, when you’re with the right guy, you won’t have to keep your guard up as much. You can be as bare and as genuine as you would like and he still wouldn’t run away.

When you find the guy that is right for you, you would never have to worry about acting a certain way around them. You would never have to worry about concealing certain aspects of your life. You would just let them in entirely, and they wouldn’t run away out of fright or intimidation.

If he’s truly the right guy for you, then he definitely wouldn’t be afraid of these 8 things:

1. You being emotional about something.

He should never be intimidated by your feelings and emotions. If you feel like you have to be emotionally vulnerable towards him, then he shouldn’t be running away. He should always be there for you.

2. Your goals and plans in life.

forever person

If you are an ambitious girl who has plenty of goals and dreams in life, then he shouldn’t be intimidated by that. If he’s the right guy for you, then he would always make it a point to be supportive of you and all of your endeavors.

3. Your true physical appearance.

And when we talk about your true physical appearance, that means how you really look without all the fancy clothes, jewelry, hair products, or makeup. He should be a guy who loves you even when you feel like you look your absolute worst. For him, your physical appearance is only a minor thing. He should be loving you for who you are and not just what you look like.

  1. The only question I have is- what if your partner is wanting to keep a friendship with a person of the opposite sex that they openly have stated prior to dating they had a crush on and they has pursued that other person- the other person told your partner they were not interested in a relationship? what if your partner continues to push to spend time with this person- going on dates ( my partner refuses to call them dates) museums, dinner, lunch, sky diving- is this normal or is it not respecting your current partner?

  2. It’s not respecting your current partner as they should be doing these things with you, they are using you, find someone else.

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