If You Are Suffering From Anxiety, Find Someone Who Will Love And Understand You In Spite Of It

Find a person who is going to understand exactly what it means when a person is suffering from anxiety. Find someone who sees that you happen to suffer from anxiety yourself and is able to stay patient and understanding through it all. Find someone who will be able to calm you down whenever you feel like your heart is about to jump right out of your chest. Find someone who can calm your restless mind whenever it starts to run at a hundred miles per hour.

Be with someone who knows that whenever you go silent, you are practically drowning in all of your thoughts, musings, opinions, and feelings about life and the world around you. Find the lighthouse that you can always float towards whenever you feel like you are lost at sea. Find a person who is constantly going to reassure you of the love that they have for you on a consistent basis.

You need to be with someone who isn’t going to get tired of the fact that you suffer from anxiety. They have to be willing to take on that extra challenge in your relationship. They have to be willing to take on all of that extra stress and pressure brought about by your condition. Find someone who understands that you are going to get tired from being anxious; someone who can serve as a source of strength whenever you feel like you have nothing left inside of you to give.

You need to be with someone who is going to be able to help you deal with the condition that you have been inflicted with. This person should be able to love you so much to the point that you find it easier to bear with all the pain and anguish that you’re feeling inside. Find someone who is going to be mindful of your feelings at all times; someone who isn’t going to trigger the anxiety and stress that you are already being bombarded with on a daily basis.

Find a person who is going to hold on to you tightly whenever you feel overwhelmed by the world around you. Be with someone who is going to gently caress you whenever you feel like your problems are overpowering your senses. Find the person who is going to kiss all of your troubles away whenever you can’t seem to rid your head of any troubled thoughts.

You really need to find the person who is going to serve as your rock and safe space. This person has to be the one you go back to whenever you feel like you are going off the deep end. This is the person who you have to think of whenever you think that life is filled with so much misery and despair. This is the person you need to hold on to whenever you feel like your legs are giving out underneath you.

You need to be with someone with whom you feel comfortable expressing yourself in an open and candid manner. You must always feel safe whenever you want to get something off your chest. You always need an outlet and this person should be available to you at all times especially during the direst of moments. You need someone who you can talk to about things that you don’t normally like to open up to other people about.

You need to be with someone who is going to make you feel understood and appreciated. This person should never criticize you or make you feel judged for the things that you say. This person should never be using your own words against you. You should be with someone who doesn’t make you feel worse off than how you already feel.

You need to be with a person whose warmth you can turn to whenever you feel like you want to feel the safety of home. You need someone who isn’t telling you that you’re just overreacting because of your condition. You need someone who doesn’t make you feel bad about having anxiety to begin with. You need a person who doesn’t belittle or demean the battles that you have to face every day because of your anxiety.

Be with a person who sees more than just the anxiety that seemingly consumes your life. Be with someone who understands that you are more than just your anxiety and your nervousness. Be with someone who sees the true depth and beauty of your soul. Be with someone who will give you the kind of love that you need to find a reason to keep going on.

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