If your relationship doesn’t have these things, walk away while you still can!
Relationshipsare never easy. Don’t you ever believe anyone who says otherwise. Yes, somerelationships may look easier than others, but it’s probably only because thesecouples already have things figured out. A lot of people will require lots oftime and experience before they can really discover what it takes to make arelationship work. A lot of us have been led to believe that relationships willbe just like they are in the movies or in fairy tales. A lot of us are trickedinto believing that relationships are simple and that there’s really not muchto it. However, reality always has a way of making us learn lessons the hardway. Relationships are never set in stone. There are so many perfect conditionsthat have to be fulfilled in order for a relationship to have a fightingchance.
A lot of peoplebelieve that love alone should be enough to sustain a relationship but that israrely ever the case. There are plenty of people who still go through harsh andterrible breakups despite the fact that they love each other very deeply.Relationships also require a lot of hard work, sensitivity, effort, commitment,patience, and great timing. There are plenty of relationships that go down thedrain just because there wasn’t enough effort that was put into it. Lots ofrelationships never get to go all the way just because the timing of the relationshipwas off. Some relationships don’t last just because of a lack of commitment bythe people involved. The point is that relationships are never set in stone andthat it would be a mistake for couples to just coast through them.
You shouldalways maintain a healthy dose of introspection when you are in a relationship.Don’t be complacent. Always be sensitive of how your partner feels about youand the relationship in general. Try to always see if there are facets of therelationship that need fixing or that require your attention. You can’t affordto just be nonchalant about your relationship. In the end, your indifferenceand apathy could end up exploding in your face and by then, it will be too latefor you. So as early as now, stay vigilant. Try to see your relationship froman objective perspective.
There is noparticular formula that all couples can follow to ensure the success of theirrelationship. However, there is a way that couples can improve their chances ofhaving a meaningful long-term relationship. Just make sure that yourrelationship has these 5 things, and you will be in a good position to go thewhole way.
1. Character
A strong and healthy relationship must always have character. All relationships are made of people. All people carry with them very distinct individual personalities.These personalities are what add character to a relationship. If you happen to be in a relationship that suppresses your personality and doesn’t allow you to show your true character, then it’s not going to be a healthy relationship at all. You always have to allow a safe space for couples to be who they really are in the relationship. The best kinds of relationships let true characters and personalities shine.
2. Open Communication
The strongest relationships are those that always maintain open lines of communication between the couples. These are the couples who know that they can be honest with each other about absolutely anything. They aren’t afraid of expressing their feelings and their ideas in a frank and open manner. They always make their partners feel like they are being heard and listened to. These couples never shy away from difficult discussions because they know that their love is strong enough to overcome these awkward talks.
3. Chemistry
Couples that just don’t have chemistry are not going to last very long. All the best couples always require lots of good chemistry. Chemistry is what makes relationships seem easy and natural. They are what enables us to feel comfortable and safe in the presence of another person. Without chemistry, a relationship can feel very forced, unnatural, and inorganic. A lack of chemistry can also result in couples feeling bored and unfulfilled in the relationship.
4. Trust
No relationship could possibly survive without trust. It makes for a very bad emotional environment when couples just don’t trust each other. The best kinds of couples are those who are secure enough in the status of their relationship to trust the other person. These couples trust their partners with their hearts, their souls, and their deepest vulnerabilities. They know that they have partners who would never betray them or hurt them in any manner.
5. Physical Intimacy
It’s a natural part of human nature. It’s a primal instinct. Physical intimacy is an important aspect of any relationship whether people admit it or not. Words can only do so much when it comes to expressing love and affection. Sometimes, the best kind of romantic expression comes in the form of kisses, hugs, and intimate touches.
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