I’m Not The One You Want To Fall In Love With

I’m difficult. I’m not the guy you want to be with. You’re going to need a lot of patience if you want to get with me. There are plenty of other people in the world who will make life easier for you. You deserve a love that you don’t have to work hard for. I’m a lot of work because I’m still a work in progress. I have to undergo drastic refinement and sharpening in order for me to come out presentable. I don’t want to be a burden that you’re going to have to bear. Don’t fall in love with me. I can’t say for certain if I’m worthy of your love

I’m difficult. I’m not the guy you want to be with. You’re going to need a lot of patience if you want to get with me. There are plenty of other people in the world who will make life easier for you. You deserve a love that you don’t have to work hard for. I’m a lot of work because I’m still a work in progress. I have to undergo drastic refinement and sharpening in order for me to come out presentable. I don’t want to be a burden that you’re going to have to bear. Don’t fall in love with me. I can’t say for certain if I’m worthy of your love. I’m insecure about who I am and I’m still in the process of discovering my place in this world. I will need a lot of time to myself to reflect and think. You will catch me in the middle of plenty of mood swings. I can be incredibly irritating and I’m not sure that you want my brand of crazy in your life. Maybe you have to deal with plenty of crazy in your life as is. I don’t want to add to that.

I am overly critical and I will end up hurting your feelings with my brashness. I don’t mean to be rude. My critical nature and my frankness is just a natural part of who I am. I’m constantly trying to become a better person every day. I’m trying to learn how to control my tongue, but I’m afraid my abilities to protect you from any pain are insufficient. A lot of times, my horrid advances are beyond my nature. I am stubborn. I always like to think that I’m in the right and I am uncompromising in my beliefs. I am a struggle to talk to because I like to argue. I like to make people know that I don’t back down from any arguments. You shouldn’t have to put up with my overbearing personality. I always like to be in control of the situations and you shouldn’t be on the receiving end of my manipulation. I am heartless. I am not empathetic, nor am I a good mind reader. It takes a while for me to figure out how the people around me really feel. Sometimes, I have to be told when I’m being rude before I actually get a grasp of the situation. I’m slow, remember? You’re going to have to bear with my emotional deficiencies should you choose to fall in love with me.В В – Continue reading on the next page

You shouldn’t fall in love with me if you’re looking for someone who will commit to you full-time. I have many dreams and aspirations that I commit myself to. I can’t commit myself to any single person. I may end up hurting your feelings if I choose my passionate pursuits in my career and hobbies over you. I will need a lot of time to myself to work on the goals that I have set for myself. I hold myself to a very high standard, and in that regard, I may end up being mentally and physically incapable of accommodating anyone else in my life right now. I am very obsessive about that things that I want, and you might start getting jealous of things, not people. However, if I do end up falling for you, you might find my obsessive behavior a little too suffocating. You may be turned off by my neediness and desire to always be around you. You might not like that I will drop everything I have just to be with you because that’s the kind of guy that I am. It’s either I’m out of the picture entirely, or I just go ahead and dive all-in. There are very little grey areas when it comes to me and I’m not sure if you would be able to handle that.

Don’t you dare fall in love with me because I set very high expectations and I am very anal about my planning. I like to make sure that my life will always have direction and that it is always organized. If we were in a relationship together, I would set you very high on a pedestal. Sometimes, my expectations will be unreasonable and you’re just going to have to deal with it. It’s how my psyche is wired. I always try to expect the best out of people. I’m not sure if you see that as a good thing or a bad thing. I just don’t want you to be filling a position that you didn’t really want to fill in the first place. I am a very flawed human being who still has a lot of work to do in this world.

However, you should know that despite my flaws and imperfections, should you choose to fall in love with me, I will love you with the greatest of passions in return. I will appreciate your presence like no one else. If you allow me to grow and give me space when I need it, I might end up not wanting to be alone anymore. You might just become the person who consumes my whole life, and you should be ready for that.

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