In a Major Equality Shift in Australia, Fathers of Newborns are Given 14 Weeks off Work to Bond with their Babies

When you become a parent and welcome a new baby into the world, you take time off work to care for the baby. And it’s important to know that during this time, when your responsibilities and finances will almost be doubled, you will be provided with financial assistance.

Paid Parental Leave is essential because it provides you with reassurance and gives your partner the necessary time and space to recover from the excruciating birth procedure.

In a major equality shift in Australia, fathers working in the public sector in New South Wales (NSW) will be given the option to take a “paternity” leave for at least up to fourteen weeks.

The new rule will be implemented in October 2022, and after that, there will be no distinction between a mother and a father’s status in taking care of the child; both will be equally responsible and will have the option to avail leaves post-birth.

According to the new announcement, regardless of the ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ carer status, both mother and father will be entitled to the provision.

As per the Daily Mail reports, on Sunday, the state Premier, Dominic Perrottet, stated that,

 ‘While most parents across Australia are entitled to paid primary parental leave, only 12 percent of those who take it are men.”

“Supporting all parents to spend more precious days with their newborn children helps them form bonds that last a lifetime.”

He also said that this equality shift would significantly help all the single fathers out there who either lose their wives during the childbirth process or get separated from them due to some dispute whatsoever.

“A baby needs his parent; father or mother, one of them should be there if not both.”

He said all single parents would be entitled to the entire sixteen weeks of paid parental leave regardless of gender.

“Parents, including those employed outside the public sector, will also be eligible for a ‘bonus leave’ scheme.” said the Premiere.

It is the first time that an announcement of this sort has been made.

Typically, it’s the mother of a newborn who is allowed to take leaves from her workplace to take care of her baby. But this concept has changed over the years, and now people believe that a father is equally responsible. 

The government officially announced the initiative on Sunday as part of its upcoming budget, along with several other major proclamations on bushfire funding.

The announcement is a sigh of relief for all new parents as it is not just a mother’s responsibility to leave everything after the birth of her child and spend her days and nights tending to her baby’s needs. The father is equally responsible and must take part in baby duties.

Moreover, to adjust to the new family dynamic, both parents should be there and play their roles.

So, now the couples in NSW can conveniently divide their baby duties in order to live a balanced and stress-free life after becoming parents.


Daily Mail

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