It May Be Time To End Your Relationship If These 12 Signs Show

Goodbyes are never easy, but they’re necessary for the greater good.

Not all relationships are going to work out. You are just going to have to come to terms with that fact. Not everyone is going to be privileged enough to get love right every single time. Sometimes, things just don’t turn out the way that you want them to and you can’t force the issue. The best thing you can do when you find yourself in a crumbling relationship that has no hope is to just walk away and move on. The earlier you actually choose to take a stand and just move on in life, the better off you are going to be. There is no point in prolonging the inevitable. Just pull the plug and pick up the pieces as you go.

If your relationship is guilty of a lot of the items listed on here, then maybe you shouldn’t really be in a relationship anymore. Here are a few signs that you should walk away from your relationship.

1. Your visions of the future don’t mesh well together.

How can you expect to be in a long-term relationship with someone if you don’t share similar visions for the future? You have to be able to have plans and dreams that coincide with one another. If not, then you are essentially pedaling your way towards a dead end.

2. There is a shortage of happiness in your relationship.

There is no point in pursuing a relationship that just doesn’t make you happy. Sure,relationships aren’t designed to be easy. But that doesn’t mean they’re supposed to make you miserable too. If you aren’t happy in a relationship, then just walk away.

3. Your relationship is plagued by insecurities.

You never know what the future has in store for the both of you. You somehow doubt the strength of your love and of your relationship. You think that even the slightest nudge will cause your relationship to crumble to ashes. You are always on edge because you know how fragile your relationship is.

4. You find yourself at a loss for words when asked to describe your partner or relationship.

You have nothing good to say and so you choose to just not say anything at all. That’s where your relationship has led you. If you can’t find anything in your relationship to be thankful for, then it’s definitely time for you to just call it quits.

5. You keep hoping that your relationship gets better even though it never does.

You have set deadlines for yourself. You keep telling yourself that if the relationship doesn’t get better by this date, then you would end things. And yet, here you are. You keep extending that deadline. You are only prolonging the inevitable demise of a flawed union.

6. Arguments are a regular occurrence.

Arguments aren’t necessarily uncommon aspects of a relationship. They aren’t necessarily going to be bad things either. What makes arguments in relationship terrible is only if they happen constantly. It’s like an unending sparring session with your partner and it’s really stressing you out. In fact, it’s doing more harm than good at this point. 

7. You find yourself in tears over your relationship all the time.

You’re miserable and you know it. You cry yourself to sleep every night due to the emotional toll that this relationship has taken on your senses. You don’t know just how long you can keep this up.

8. The toxicity of your relationship is starting to affect the  other parts of your life.

Your career is starting to plateau and stagnate. Your health is deteriorating. Your bitterness has somehow affected your social life as well. And it all starts with your relationship. The stress of your relationship is just too much for you to bear and it is creeping into the other aspects of your life.

9. You don’t like spending time with one another.

Companionship isn’t even something you crave for anymore. You know that the more time you spend with one another, the likelier it is for you to get into a heated argument.

10. One or both of you are flirting with other people.

There is no commitment in the relationship anymore. You’ve both practically given up and you have no sense of loyalty. You are starting to open yourself up to other people as an escape from the sad reality that you’re living in at the present state.

11. There is a lack of trust in the relationship.

You just can’t rely on each other to deliver. You don’t think you can count on each other. You are unreliable partners who just don’t have each other’s backs. Instead of acting like partners, you are practically separate individuals living life alongside one another.

12. You lie to yourself about the state of your relationship.

You’re in denial because you don’t want to face the music. Your relationship is toxic and you must end it. You just don’t want to have to deal with the emotional backlash that comes with breaking up.That’s why you lie to yourself and you say that things aren’t as bad as they seem.

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