It Takes A Real Man To Realize That One Woman Is Enough

One woman should always be enough for a real man.

One woman should always be enough for a real man. There are a lot of archaic notions about what roles men and women play in modern society. Some primates who call themselves humans still think that it’s okay for men to treat women like objects for pleasure. Some boys are going to think that girls are prizes to be won in the game of love. There are those of us who are stuck in the past; those of us who think that women have no other purpose in society than to please and serve men. There are those of us who still falsely believe that real men are the ones who don’t let themselves get attached to a single woman. They think that real men are the ones who are always playing the field. The ones who are conquering women like they were pieces of land. There are those of us who believe in the collection of women as if they were items subject to a person’s possession. There are still those of us who think that real men don’t take the game of love seriously because they are far too concerned in getting into bed with multiple ladies than actually falling in love with a single woman. These men are dead wrong.

Real men are the ones who actually allow themselves to fall in love with women effortlessly. The real men are the ones who are strong and secure enough about their manhood to actually allow themselves to become vulnerable in front of their women. The real men in this world are the ones who are actually brave enough to come out and defend their women; to not treat their women like mere objects of pleasure. The real men are the ones who don’t feel the need to sleep with multiple women just to prove their false sense of manhood to others. The real men are the ones who understand what it takes to really love a woman. The real men are the ones who don’t run away from commitment. They are the ones who aren’t frightened or intimidated by the idea of loyalty. The real men are the ones who recognize that sticking to one woman is more than enough. They are the ones who understand that being loyal to a single woman is essential to building a strong and happy relationship for the future. They are the ones who aren’t afraid to take the lead in forming and building a family with someone. The real men are the ones who are mature enough to know that it takes a great deal of strength and bravery to fall in love with someone, commit to them, and form a family with them. The real men are the ones who know that committing to a woman is essential to being an effective father figure to future children. The real men are the ones who don’t take fatherhood lightly because they understand just how big of a responsibility it is to bring human beings into this world.

There are those who will claim that they are real men because they are constantly having sex with different women every night. There are those who will say that they are real men because they are constantly having to juggle multiple relationships with different women without them knowing about one another. There are those who will say that they are real men because they always just lead women on without allowing themselves to become fully attached to the women that they date. There are those who will say that they are real men because they don’ allow themselves to get whipped or jailed by their women. They are the ones who say they are real men because they don’t let themselves get tied down to a single woman.

But the truth is that they aren’t the real men at all. The real men are the ones who really take the time and effort to woo a single woman. They are the ones who understand how important it is to be a gentleman in the modern dating scene. They are the ones who know that dating isn’t about how many women they can get to fall in love with them; but rather, it’s about how much they can get a single woman to fall for them. It’s about exploring and testing the boundaries of love and romance. The real men understand that real strength and bravery lies in being able to commit to a single entity; a single force of love. The real men are the ones who make grand promises and eventually manage to keep them. The real men are the ones who never tell lies because they know the value of openness and honesty in a relationship. The real man never feels the need to impress others by landing lots of women. For the real man, one is always going to be more than enough.

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